Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Party House of the Weekend

Yes, as some of you may know Sunset Avenue (at least the northern end of it) is contiguous with UMass Southwest area where all the freshmen are packed into one pretty dense cluster.

But it is still a neighborhood made up of single family homes, some of which actually house families.

Colin McGuire, age 20, stands before Judge Mulcahy

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday the two arrested house dwellers, Derek Durouchel and Colin McGuire (both 20) thought they were going to simply get an easy plea deal for the charges of "Unlawful noise, Nuisance House, Receiving Stolen Property over $250, and Procuring Liquor to person under age 21."  But Judge Mulcahy warned them that one of the charges was a felony with potential jail time.

 Derek Durouchel, age 20

So they opted to hire a lawyer and come back to Court next month.

 Page 2 continues, "stopped both Durouchel and McGuire were placed under arrest."


  1. This will happen as long as parents continue to deny that their kids do drugs and more importantly, don't show they how to do them right. Most adults reading this are on something and not ending up in courts, the kids need this wisdom.

  2. Well the only thing I'm on is caffeine, although I do end up in the courts to cover this nonsense.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm assuming that possession of the allegedly-stolen street sign is the serious offense -- and I argue that it was a mistake on the part of the APD & DA to be pursuing it.

    First, prove it actually was stolen. I can (and have) purchased street signs on-line.

    There are a variety of vendors selling either the stock material so you can make your own signs. They come with a Green, Blue or Red background (your choice) and depending on how much you want to pay, reflective or not and made of plastic, steel or aluminum, with fittings for steel pipe or square signpost -- both of which you can also buy.

    Its all credit card numbers now, and in the case of really small towns (or plantations), it's often a private citizen buying something and then being reimbursed.

    So prove that sign was stolen. Even if the APD gave Miranda warnings (which I doubt), prove that they were understood in that clearly chaotic situation, by people who had been consuming alcohol. And even if the confession isn't excluded, prove that the person who said he had stolen it actually did.

    A 20-year-old college kid isn't going to get anywhere with this -- but a good lawyer will -- and then that same lawyer will start going after the other charges and may start arguing something like "selective enforcement" and the 14th Amendment.

    With Daddy willing to spend lots of money to keep Junior out of jail, could potentially take the whole thing to the SJC.

    Did anyone honestly believe that taking pictures up women's skirts could possibly be legal? Enough said?

    And as to providing alcohol to a minor -- I honestly doubt they knew that girl's last name, let alone her DOB. Besides, if they are minors themselves, they actually are *victims* of that crime, not perpetrators....

    The problem was the noise, right?

    The APD should have exercised a little discretion and not "overcharged", and/or the ADA ought to have made the quick decision to drop a few of the charges. Get the plea, get the fine, get them to promise to be good boys -- with consequences if they aren't -- and be done with this.

  5. There's a first time for everything. And for the first time I agree with Ed.

  6. Larry, Caffeine is actually similar to Cocaine -- far more dangerous than Amphetamines...

    I said "bullshite" too -- until I read the research which was peer-reviewed and said this.

    As I understand it, there are different ways that a stimulant can work on the brain, with both Cocaine & Caffeine working on the brain one way, Amphetamine in another way -- with the "Caffeine way" causing more harmful side effects, more addiction/withdrawal issues and is worse for your heart.

    Meth -- Methamphetamine -- is a different story because its molecular structure enables it to cross the blood/brain barrier a whole lot easier and that is a really bad thing for some reason. And Molly is a form of Meth or chemically similar to it or something...

    In all honesty, I was still cringing at the concept of boiling stuff in an open saucepan of Ether, on a gas stove. Ether which is more explosive than Gasoline, which is why is why it is used as starting fluid to get a gasoline engine running. A boiling pot of it over an open fire -- and apparently people actually do this...

    My point: You need to stop making some of the blanket judgments you do -- medically, there really is no difference between the same dosage levels of Cocaine and Caffeine -- and Caffeine isn't necessarily good for you....

  7. Larry, drinking water can kill you.

    Some years back, two kids in Upstate New York died from drinking too much tap water.

    It was a woman relatively high up in the New York State Dept of something-or-other who told me the story and added a couple of details -- (a) it was an entire 5 gallon container full of water and (b) it was fraternity hazing -- but it killed them.

    I'm guessing it diluted their blood, diluted the electrolytes (salts) in their blood. The electrolytes are needed to transmit electrical signals to make the heart beat, without them it didn't, and that wasn't good....

    Larry, you need to stop being so much of an absolutist. The problems that concern you are not caused by the fact that the college kids drink Alcohol but that they drink too damn much of it.....
