Wednesday, September 24, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

Katherine Gilligan, age 19, stands before Judge John Payne; her case was continued to next month

Amherst police also arrested South Amherst resident Savana J. Paciulli, age 21, over the weekend for driving under the influence of narcotics (heroin). She was turned in by her mother who appeared in District Court on Monday morning, and had a side bar with Judge Payne.

After her daughter did not appear by the "second call," Judge Payne had a warrant issued for her arrest.

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  1. Ms. Gilligan might have worn something that didn't remind the judge of prison attire.

  2. Just a little three hour tour...

  3. Any idea what became of the local girl with heroin problem? She failed to show for that first court date.

  4. So far she has not turned up.

    But an default warrant was issued, so next time she gets pulled over for any reason she will be arrested.

    And most of the judges frown on that sort of thing.

  5. It is.

    I hope she gets the help she needs ... before she kills someone (or herself).
