Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We're Number 37!

 APD keeps the streets safe

Yes of course Amherst is a safe community -- probably more so than some of the other 36 Massachusetts cities and towns rated higher for safety. After all, we were one of the first to go "nuclear free" in the 1980s and just last May, "drone free".

If you can't trust a company that sells home security systems, who can you trust?

But I would feel a little more comfortable celebrating the distinction if they knew that Amherst was located in the western part of the state and not "central Massachusetts".

As a "college town" Amherst has the lowest median age population in the entire state, so our main problem seems to be a byproduct of alcohol (and other drugs) mixed with the exuberance of youth.

And they don't sell a home system to neutralize that.


  1. "they new that Amherst was located in western part of the state and not "central Massachusetts"."

    It's "knew" but you know that.

    And Amherst IS in Central MA -- the state is trisected by mountains, there is the west on the far side of the Connecticut River, the east on the far side of the Worcester Hills and then there is the valley in the middle.

    And the large number of UM students who don't commit crimes is why the statistic is artificially low. You have real crime in Amherst.

  2. Don't trust the numbers that are posted...Our neighbor's house was broken into and it was not noted in police notes...Higher robbery stats during summer months.

  3. Our neighbor's house was broken into and it was not noted in police notes

    I'm not surprised.
