Monday, July 21, 2014

There's a Killer On The Road

Newman Galati aka @Newmasaur (Used without permission)

Amherst police only made one OUI Liquor arrest over the weekend but it was a doozy ... Newman Galati, age 22,  a repeat offender.  He had come over the Notch by Atkins Country Market in deep South Amherst heading toward Amherst town center not-all-that-late Saturday night driving erratically and with his headlights off.

Newman Galati, booking photo, courtesy APD

Amherst police pulled him over on South Pleasant Street (about 350 yards from my house) a beer can throw from town center and immediatley noticed the fresh front end damage to his vehicle.  He was arrested on a host of charges:


  1. This kid should lose his license. Period. Forever. End of story.

  2. Any idea on where he was drinking prior to driving?

  3. I don't think the arresting cops ask that.

    In court if you cop a plea using a standard 24D disposition (which he can't do because only first time offenders can use it) the Judge does always ask where you had your last drink

    For instance this morning a young lady arrested back in May by APD took a 24D and said her last drink was at Stacker's Pub in downtown Amherst.

  4. Look at Larry catching it as it happens and breaking the Safe Driving law himself doing it.

  5. Unrelated, do you still practice karate? Who would you say is the best martial artist in history? Why?

  6. I do. I have two young daughters.

    Bruce Lee was the best that ever was (or will be).

    His mastery of speed, timing, and distance.

  7. I hope the kid gets some help. Real help.

  8. Great to hear Larry. My kids do Martial arts. Great tool for children to learn so much more than just discipline.

  9. Larry, you diminish the seriousness of what this perp did by only calling it an OUI.

    This wasn't someone making a wide turn with her headlights on in a registered vehicle that she hadn't run into something with (just before?).

    This is a different dimension of dangerousness. In fact, why wasn't Operating to Endanger one of the charges -- drunk and without headlights on a winding unlit mountain road when the moon was not out -- that would seem to be enough wouldn't it?

  10. My bad -- I missed the "Reckless Operation" -- although I still ask why not the "Operating to Endanger" -- and my missing it makes my point.

    Larry, unlike most of your hysterical OUI postings -- this was something far more serious than just OUI. Would he neither have been dangerous nor arrested had he been sober?

    1. There is a such thing as sober and brain damage u asshole, the tire blew spun out and reactivated a severe c un cussing, could barely stand, along with my meds, making any choice was unreasonable and out of his controle

    2. The police report fails to report the hospital evaluation after the oncogene as well

  11. Larry, I agree with you re Bruce Lee. He was beautiful to watch. Graceful in his actions.

  12. U have no idea what happened u nitwit, it was not an oui, it's a multitude of conditions that led to a bad event, u haven't list the past 6 months I have, unstable, not a killer never have I once been close to that, cops exaggerated in police reports for one, so u should stfu until court goes through, remember innocent until proven guilty, get off your high horse.

  13. Tell it to the Judge.

    And you may want to avoid using text speak.
