Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How Many & What Kind of Weapons?

Amherst Regional High School

Obviously taxpayers who fund the very expensive overhead costs ($18,026 per pupil vs state average $13,636)  of our Amherst Regional PUBLIC School District have a right to know about weapons confiscated in the High School.
Parents with kids in the system, even more so. 


  1. Why has the HS been keeping these weapons after confiscating them?

  2. Probably just tossed them into a drawer, or shoe box, or filing cabinet or bottom desk drawer or some other long forgotten about storage area. I cringe to think what is in the back of my fridge in my 1700sq foot palace (home). Just imagine all the spots contraband, weapons, or items could have been placed by a teacher or staff member in a bulding as large as the HS over the years. Sounds like spring cleaning (in July) to me. No need to go all code red on this one LK.

  3. Actually I'm not. You would know it if I were.

    But it is still interesting to know that ARHS apparently NOW has a policy of immediately informing APD of a weapon incident.

    But when three kids violently gang up on a lone kid, THAT they handle "internally," and keep it from APD.

    Somebody should go "code red" over that.

  4. "three kids violently gang up on a lone kid"

    At the "emergency" school committee meeting Prof. Shabazz wondered "where were the adults"?

    The three boys who ganged up on the lone kid planned their attack during track practice after school where there are less adults around and instances where kids might be running through isolated wooded areas. Does he want us to make sure we hold every kids hand all day? Shabazz pointed to school leadership for not doing their jobs, but he didn't once lay blame on parents who send kids with a violent bully mentality into our schools. It takes a village. The kids didn't learn how to hate at school, and the types who are showing up in groups of twenty to school committee meetings are teaching kids like Camila Carpio how to hate and disrupt the peace.

  5. Totally agree, 4:14 PM. This is all SO manufactured.

  6. I also agree 414. All theater on Shabazz ' s part and the rest of his cronies. Camila Carpio is one hate-filled teenager. She has been coached well.

  7. Ditto to 4:14, 4:27 and 4:56.

    Don't like to include a student's name though.

    However, wondering about the whole coaching of her. Some say it has been Shabazz, Baptista, Anderson, et all. Uhmmm, maybe just hearsay, but must admit, these issues keep stacking up around Shabazz and Baptista. And, the thought that anyone would go so far as to influence or even manipulate a young person is just plain scarey.

    Never understood the whole petition to keep the young man from graduation.

  8. I have no qualms naming Camila. She single handedly ruined the first night celebration last year. She says outlandish things at the SC meetings, she posts hateful vitriol on her Facebook page. She's publicly out there and is probably proud of her hateful rhetoric.

  9. I doubt that anyone can manipulate that female HS student just mentioned by others -- the one who created that petition. Suggesting so is to suggest that she can't look at issues for herself & make her own decisions. She is making her own choices in the world.

  10. I think a name that has to be emphasized on this list is Kathleen Anderson. Man, she is really nasty, rude, unpleasant and a problem causer rather than a problem solver.

  11. Don't like to include a student's name though.

    She's not a student, she's an adult in our community.

  12. We can't forget Vira: on her facebook page (or maybe it was on the "Justice for Ayyub fb page) Camila displays a pic of her with Vira and she captions it "This is THE woman." Many pictures of Camila together with Shabazz and Vira at different rallies for different things. Camila was Vira's SC "campaign manager" as well. Sort of makes ME wonder if there just wasn't anything really concrete to rally around in Amherst, maybe something needed to be manufactured? And remember, it was Shabazz and Baptiste who filmed Camila's rant at the back to School celebration on the common last summer, while LOUDLY cheering her on, especially during the parts where she attacked school administration.

  13. OK, which one of you townies who was in high school more than ten years ago brought the handcuffs?

  14. When you finally get a White kid with a gun who is shooting people -- and it's going to happen unless things change -- don't try to pretend you didn't see it coming....

  15. Some of the other things found in the box that weren't reported:

    * Two urine specimen containers

    * One worn copy of "Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes" by David Horowitz

    * One Master/Slave switch 230 V/ AC

    * One Greenlee PowerBlade PA6575 12-In-1 Multi-Tool Electricians Knife

    * One forged superintendents contract

    * One Royal Blue Imprinted High School Diploma Cover and black cap left over from graduation this year

    * One Classic Red, Yellow, Green, and Black striped Rasta Cap with Long Thick Dreads made from a high quality synthetic fiber and can be trimmed (Great for garnishing respect and cultural dignity)

    * One copy of "The Anarchists Cookbook" by William Powell

    * One ripped copy of the constitution

    * Two Microflex Diamond Grip EXAM GRADE rubber gloves

    * Two misplaced visitor passes

    * One extra large Superintendent School Bus Zip Hoodie (dark)

    * One No Parking Police Cars Sign

    * One Uppity Negro Organic Cotton Tee (Large)

    * One umbrella stained with cafeteria food remnants

    * One still shrink-wrap sealed unread copy of "Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program by Ellen Lynch

    * One very warn copy "PR Power: Inside Secrets from the World of Spin" by Amanda Barry (Front page missing)

  16. Larry, what exactly is the reason why the high school doesn't have a school resource officer? I vaguely remember something about how it would be racist or something to have one.

    Personally, I think they need at least a dozen officers assigned to the two buildings until they get this hate crime thing under control -- you really can't tolerate a group of thugs (of any race) going around beating on people.

    If you don't get that under control, and soon, you are going to have a White kid with a gun and things will go way downhill FAST from there...

  17. * One forged superintendents contract

    One forged superintendents certificate. (They are supposed to be signed by Mitchell Chester, not Mickey Mouse.)

  18. Too militaristic.


    Children can't learn when they are scared, both research & common sense tell us that you aren't going to have education until you first have safety. If the school authorities aren't willing/able to maintain what is generally referred to as the "rule of law", then you will eventually have students looking elsewhere for safety & security.

    While accorded all due process and the rest, these Black thugs need to be stomped on for a variety of reasons -- the wellbeing of other Black students being one often overlooked. One of the many things not mentioned about ARHS is the plight of the academically gifted (or even ambitious) Black male and the psychological (and physical) abuse such kids must endure.

    For "Acting White" -- for actually trying to learn stuff in school.

    About 15 years ago now, and I heard about this through a professional association although I believe it was widely known throughout town at the time: There was a Black teenager who was the son of a UM Professor -- father was in one of the science/engineering fields that had some aspect of Chemistry to it.

    Not only was this in a booming field where one could make a lot of money, but it was what his father did -- and it is not uncommon for children to not only have a particular interest in their parent's occupation but to follow them into it. (And I have a real problem with anyone saying that going into a field where you are almost guaranteed a six-figure salary is something that young Black males shouldn't aspire to -- particularly if it is something they are interested in.)

    Memory is that Junior was particularly good in Chemistry, not surprising as that was kinda what his father was a professor of, and the kid quite likely knew considerably more about it than his teacher did. He was an outstanding student -- and he was being routinely beaten up for that.

    The Black thugs who weren't interested in school were using violence to prevent other Black kids from getting an education -- and the administration wasn't doing anything then, either.

    Exactly what is the difference between a group of White thugs using violence and fear thereof to prevent Black kids from getting an education and a group of Black thugs doing so? In either case, the Black kids who want to get an education are being prevented from getting one -- and that's racism (and worse).

    That is why it is racist not to stomp on these thugs, and that is why the BLACK kids will benefit if Team Maria does.

  19. I doubt that anyone can manipulate that female HS student just mentioned by others -- the one who created that petition. Suggesting so is to suggest that she can't look at issues for herself & make her own decisions. She is making her own choices in the world.

    She may think she is, but she isn't. She's been indoctrinated, not educated -- she knows what to say but not why to say it.

    She's like the student I had who was adamantly opposed to private ownership of firearms, but at a total loss when I asked her "why?"

    I've never publicly embarrassed a student, and I made it clear that it would not be wise for anyone else in that classroom to do so either -- we all waited as she had what could only be described as a "deer in the headlights" look.

    Eventually she said that "guns are yuckky." That was the best she could do on something she felt very strongly about -- she knew what she was supposed to think but had never questioned why -- and I suspect that is the case here too.

  20. Yeah, I too was appalled by Carpio's grotesque rant at the Back to School celebration.

    What the hell were people thinking?! How did THAT get scheduled for that event?

    Supposed to be a happy, positive celebration and then there's that!! I had to wander off with my kids because it was so awful and inappropriate.

  21. Oh and ED, stop. Just stop.

    You're messing up the damn place.

  22. Idk... Resource officers in my experience in Springfield were relatively low profile; despite being uniformed cops in a school. They are a presence, sure, but in a good sense in that perhaps the school doesn't appear as such a soft target. They were posted at the front entry of the building and with the exception of occasional presentations to classrooms (on gangs, drugs, lock-up etc) they didn't get much involved in the daily routines of the school, except for when they would come in to class to arrest those students who violated probation. It almost seems that summoning the police on a daily basis, a la ARHS is more of a militaristic tactic.

  23. It almost seems that summoning the police on a daily basis, a la ARHS is more of a militaristic tactic.

    It strikes me as a far more fascist tactic -- summonsing the cops for things which the cops themselves, if they> were the ones evaluating the situation, wouldn't respond to, but have to respond when when the school calls them.

  24. It almost seems that summoning the police on a daily basis, a la ARHS is more of a militaristic tactic.

    It strikes me as a far more fascist tactic -- summonsing the cops for things which the cops themselves, if they> were the ones evaluating the situation, wouldn't respond to, but have to respond when when the school calls them.

  25. I believe the Dylan Affair would have played out quite differently had there been a School Resource Officer making the initial assessment of the situation. If the APD had been aware of *everything* as it happened instead of -- essentially -- Team Maria pulling the alarm and they having to presume the worst when they show up.

    Kinda like how AFD has to roll on a box alarm and presume they have a working fire and roll per protocol while a firefighter on the scene -- who knows what has happened, who may have actually seen it happen, and is making a professional assessment of what is happening now -- enables them to ignore protocol and respond appropriately to what they are actually dealing with and not just a generic possible/maybe/maybe-serious unknown.

    Who makes the decision and the terms may differ, but a firefighter on scene assessing the severity of the fire enables a second alarm to be struck immediately -- you can be rolling mutual aid before your first trucks even get there, as you already have someone on scene -- you already know what you are dealing with.

    More importantly, a trained firefighter on scene can tell you that the situation isn't as serious as you would otherwise have to presume it could potentially be, and thus you don't have to respond as aggressively as you otherwise would have to.

    There is a really big difference between, say, the late ignition of an oil burner and a building full of smoke and a boiler exploding and setting the whole building on fire. (NB: Multiple safety devices would have to be defective and or defeated for this to happen -- but I've seen people do it...)

    Likewise, a trained police officer (which Mark Jackson is not!) would have been able to assess the posting as a police officer, with a police officer's training and experience in threat assessment -- and with knowledge of the bullying -- in a way the department couldn't when merely called.

    Even if a sworn officer, aware of his/her/its Section 1983 liability, hadn't done anything about the bullying, it would have been a far different situation than what they were presented with.

    In not having a school resource officer, Team Maria controls what the APD knows, and more importantly -- controls what they do, how they respond to what they are told.
