Friday, July 11, 2014

Arresting Miss Emily

Emily Dickinson stands before Judge LoConto on July 7th

Amherst police arrested Emily Dickinson, age 30, back in February for stealing a credit card and her mother's prescription drugs, an all too familar combination resulting from substance abuse.

A business day doesn't go by at the Eastern Hampshire District Court without a drug related problem coming before a judge.  

And in Amherst, where the other Emily Dickinson is arguably our most famous citizen, the misery associated with drug/alcohol abuse is certainly on the short list for pernicious problems that need to be solved.

 The Dickinson Homestead

Judge LoConto placed Ms. Dickinson on probation for a year with a $65/month fee and unscheduled drug/alcohol screening.

As she was leaving the Judge, sounding sincere, wished her "good luck" and reminded her the Probation Department is there to help.


  1. Add to this mix: local casinos close by, and then a pinch of power of attorney control by adult children over the funds of their elderly parents.

    Then stir, and see what you get.

  2. I bet the judge was sincere. The district court judges are great and really sincere in their wanting people who come before them to turn their lives around for the good. They have a really hard job and they all do it well. A tip of the hat to all of them.

  3. Many years ago there was a bounced check of hers (or a third Emily) hanging near the register at Cousin's Market to remind the cashiers not to accept her checks.
