Thursday, June 19, 2014

No Rest For The Weary

Bangs Community Center this afternoon

So unlike the stones left atop Miss Emily's gravestone in historic West Cemetery the recent jagged rock stone installation atop a stone wall at the Bangs Community Center is not a sign of love and respect.

More like a "Keep out" sign.

Yes loitering teen-agers with time on their hands or the homeless can be a bit of a pain -- especially since the Bangs Center houses our Senior Center.

But seriously, what's next: electrified barbed wire?

When I contacted Ron Bohonowitcz, Director of Facilities for both town and schools, to inquire about the recent installation it was the first he had heard about it.  A few minutes later he emailed me back to say it would be gone soon.
Sure enough  6:00 PM Bangs Community Center

Trinkets adorn the top of Miss Emily's gravestone


  1. Whos bright idea was that?

  2. Don't know, but it's been countermanded.

    All's well that ends well.

  3. Still a good place to score a bag!
    or in front of cousins.

  4. Ends well? These are spots for drug deals. Yeah, great.

  5. Saw a group of senior citizens sitting there today. Glad you spoke up Larry.

  6. And I bet they were not involved in a drug deal.

  7. They were enjoying the beautiful weather and chatting.
