Monday, June 30, 2014

I Am What I Am

 ARPS Superintendent Maria Geryk, the town's highest paid employee

As part of the state mandated comprehensive evaluation of Amherst Regional Schools Superintendent Maria Geryk that played out last week at the circus-like Regional School Committee meeting the Superintendent had to present the committee with a "self evaluation".

Out of the five overall goals she considered two of them "met" and the other three showed "significant progress."  All in all, not too bad as self evaluations go. 

The Regional School Committee seemed to agree and 7 of the 11 gave her a sterling review with 2 abstaining (being only recently elected) and 2 seemed to disagree.

Pelham SC members: Tara Luce abstained, Trevor Baptiste voted "no" and will issue his own evaluation

No mention or discussion of the racial incidents that fractured decorum over this past school year or the unjust treatment of a white student bullied by three black students, or even the inept implementation of a ban on nuts.

There was some mention of the many "lockdowns" during the year and follow up meetings with police to "adjust procedures".  So let's hope that solves the problem.

And next year the High School and Middle School will have cameras installed in the hallways, although the problem with racist graffiti occurred in the bathrooms, where you can't very well install cameras.


  1. Did Baptiste and Shabazz change their minds about the format and implementation of the superintendent's evaluation mid-year or something? I had not heard even a peep from them during the school year that they were unwilling or unable to follow requirements related to the evaluation of the superintendent that they agreed to at the beginning of this year, and their tenure as public officials. Does anyone know why they were the only two who did not provide evaluations in the format mandated by the state? Putting time and effort into evaluating the superintendent is sort of a big part of the job we elected them to do.

    Just one more example of Shabazz saying at a meeting that he "doesn't have the time" to fulfill his responsibilities as an elected town official (he said at the last meeting that he felt rushed with the evaluation process, [even though it's been going on all year, he agreed to the process and standards of evaluation at the beginning of the year, an extra week to complete the eval was added this year, and everyone else on the committee was able to provide thoughtful, complete evaluations, on time, and in a format required by the state.] Earlier in the year he dropped off the one committee he was on citing "I don't have the time for it."

    Shabazz really does need to go.

  2. You seem borderline obsessive about Mr. Shabazz.

  3. Fits Amherica perfectly:

  4. How is someone else making it harder for him to succeed if he is not doing what he is supposed to do? If part of the SC's duties is to fill out an evaluation form, then do it. There usually is a place for comments, and if not, make an addendum.

  5. Maria G is the type of superintendent that Amherst wants and hence deserves. So what if her schools have become vast overpriced wastelands -- that's what the drugged out hippies always wanted them to be.

    Maria G is proof that the concept of universal public education is dead. Those of us who used to believe in it owe her a debt of gratitude for so clearly demonstrating this point.

    Horace Mann, RIP.

  6. These evaluations might be of interest:

  7. The irony is that a good chunk of the ratemyprofessor ratings above were written by minotity students.

    There is no way to tell with accuracy but what is the racial breakdown of the potential population -- those taking senior-level AfroAm courses at UMass or Bio at STCC?

    STCC's student profile data:
    Male: 43.1%
    Female: 56.9%

    African-American: 13.9%
    Asian/Pacific Islander: 2.7%
    Hispanic: 19.8%
    Native American: 0.5%
    White: 50.3%
    Other: 12.7%

  8. Maria G is proof that the concept of universal public education is dead.

    Interesting. I guess that statement is proof of the concept that all UMass doctorates are stupid enough to extrapolate from a sample size of one.

  9. People who are good at what they do and busy doing their thing don't have time to be on a school committee. Only the lackeys have what is needed to be on a half-ass committee. Shabazz is a nice guy but he couldn't tell you what day of the week it is.

  10. Baptiste and Shabazz should hang their heads in shame. If they really have issues they should have followed the standard format and put it on the record for all to see for years to come. Instead they created reasons why this did not work for them and failed to represent the voices of the various towns that have issues with how things are going at the schools.

    If you want to be on the committee, and I am not saying that it is easy, then get ready to do some real work. Otherwise resign or don't run again and let someone who is willing to push for change do exactly that.

  11. Why was the evaluation of goal 2 not included in the report? This was the goal to close the racial achievement gap. She just completely skips this in the report and goes right from goal 1 to goal 3.

  12. Why was the evaluation of goal 2 not included in the report? This was the goal to close the racial achievement gap. She just completely skips this in the report and goes right from goal 1 to goal 3.

  13. The face of one who feels nothingJuly 2, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    Oh come on cap'n,

    look at the camera.

    Narrowing pupils

    clenched teeth

    tightened jaw muscles.

    Hows it feel?

    Tell me, Hood.

    Tell me.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  14. Nina Koch, thank you for discovering that commentators can be crunched, the first thing I do now when I peruse commentary is c-r-r-r-unch Squeaky's, like they don't exist.

  15. That's no mountain!July 2, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    "Nina Koch, thank you for discovering that commentators can be crunched, the first thing I do now when I peruse commentary is c-r-r-r-unch Squeaky's, like they don't exist."

    Okay okay,

    I give in.

    I want you back.


    I'll prove it.


    -Squeaky Weaky


    back to our regular programing.

  16. Squeaky, what is your fascination with Rick Hood? He was not on the school committee when you lost your job at ARPS. Why do you keep saying things to him?

  17. The only way to solve thisJuly 3, 2014 at 11:52 AM

    Actually I'm way more obsessed with Bobby Detweiler to be Honest with you Ni Ni.

    I mean, you know him well, right?

    What's he upta these days?

    Loving retirement?

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  18. Squeaky, how long ago and why did you get fired from the ARPS's?

    (Seeing as you believe that the reasons for a dismissal ought to be made public, let's start with you, eh? And the real reasons you got fired.)

  19. Nina Koch, how long ago and why did Squeaky get fired from the ARPS's?

  20. The end of their poison empireJuly 4, 2014 at 9:06 PM

    Oh little one,

    know thyself.


    and count

    the days.

    Auf Wiedersehen,

    -Squeaky Squeaks
