Monday, June 16, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

 Chris Boyle standing before Judge John Payne this morning

As you can tell from his Twitter feed Christopher J. Boyle, age 59, is somewhat the beer connoisseur.  Too bad he doesn't subscribe to the common wisdom, "all things in moderation."

Acting on a good Samaritan cell phone tip of an "erratic operator," Amherst police pulled over Mr. Boyle near the Dunkin' Donuts on College Street just after he drove through the heart of a busy downtown Amherst Sunday evening, Fathers Day, about an hour before sunset. 

The civic minded witness stated Boyle was swerving over the yellow lines while passengers in his vehicle were throwing beer bottles (Heineken's) out the window.  He was arrested for DUI and drug possession.  His third offense for drunk driving.

In Eastern Hampshire District Court this morning Judge John Payne entered a "not guilty" plea and continued his case until July 21 .  He was released on bail with a provision (enforced by testing) to stay away from alcohol.  


  1. This guy is a chronic alcoholic. If he's tweeting about drinking after 2 dui convictions and then gets a 3rd he clearly is in denial about his disease.

  2. His car needs to have a breathylzer installed -- blow too high on alcohol and the car won't start.

  3. I can honestly say alcohol is evil, and I hope this man gets the help he needs.

  4. Larry,
    Put all their pictures on the blog, but remember something many of us believe every single day, we're not on there, because "Before the grace of God.....". Has anybody forgotten that?

  5. Or "Everybody deserves a second chance." Or "Turn the other cheek."

    But this was his THIRD offense.

  6. Okay, and alcoholism is a disease that's easy to beat.........

    I just believe they deserve a chance before we tar and feather them. They're already being punished through the the court system. Thousands of his dollars will be lost through various avenues. And he won't have a license for a long time. It will be mandated that he go to AA meetings. Whether that will work is unknown. Statistically, most alcoholics fail in the program, even though it's a good program. Behind the HEADLINES that we see is a lot of UNIMAGINABLE suffering on everyone's part.

  7. I'm just a tad more concerned with the innocent victims who have no say in the matter, ending up maimed or dead because of a drunk driver.

  8. Larry, there is also the narcotics charge. Am I mistaking something here, or might that have made him an even greater threat?
