Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blowing The Whistle

Competition of a different kind

Since Amherst Regional High School officials overreacted to the initial incident by declaring a "lockdown" over two errant assistant coaches from Smith Vocational High School, no big shock they are now blowing the whistle on the earnest young recruiters ... which may not look good on their resumes.  

Since both assistant coaches signed in the day they visited ARHS obviously they were not trying to hide anything.  And by not signing out they only demonstrated unfamiliarity with a security system that is a tad confusing.

Smith Vocational High School, operated by our sister city to the west, Northampton, is one of two vocational schools that attracts away Amherst Regional students (thereby impacting the school's budget via payouts).  

Between Smith Vocational and Franklin County Technical ARHS lost 38 students this year.So maybe there's a measure of payback involved in this bit of hyperbole.

Of course when the shoe was on the other foot ...

The past four months in the Amherst schools have been a three ring circus.  

Continuous lockdowns, racist graffiti in the High School bathrooms targeting a teacher of color, and a racial bullying incident (that did not fit the PC agenda) that lead to a Facebook "threat" that closed the High School.

Fortunately the senior prom went off last Friday without incident (or at least any incidents that required police intervention).  This Friday ARHS graduation is hosted at the Mullins Center, which seemingly straddles three police jurisdictions -- Hadley, Amherst and UMPD.

According to APD Chief Livingstone:

"I have met with school officials and with Chief Horvath of UMPD regarding the High School graduation and after graduation party and I’m confident that the security measures planned will be adequate and sufficient.
Our goal is that it is a safe and enjoyable evening for all of those in attendance…"


  1. The two guys who went to the school asked to have 4 kids pulled out of class to fill out applications, something they were told they were not allowed to do, something the kids did not request. So the guys left without signing out, and came back hours later and entered the school without signing in, at a time when kids were filling the halls--they intentionally were skirting security measures, and they know it.

  2. Well if it was such an egregious violation why did it take Amherst two months to file a complaint?

  3. No serious athlete is going to leave a D1 school JUST to play basketball, and the Amherst school officials know that. This is just a blatant attempt to deflect the bad press off of ARHS. To make such a big deal of it only makes them look bad yet again.

  4. Why no mention of the underage party the Amherst parents hosted in Hadley? Since there was alcohol and drugs involved, I'm really surprised you haven't devoted a post to it.

  5. Furthermore, when it came to be known that there were two men in the school who had not signed in, during a busy and hectic part of the school day, and when a lockdown was implemented to ensure security of the students, rather than go to the office in order to alleviate the administration's concerns, the two men fled. That action resulted in a 45 minute lockdown and a disruption of bus schedules as well thousands of people's daily lives, before it was ascertained that the men were no longer present in the school.

    I don't know what the statute of limitations for filing complaints is, Larry, but it's really not all that uncommon for complaints or lawsuits to be filed months, even years, after the incidents that prompted them. My kid was subjected to a situation at the age of three and (s)he has until age 18 to decide whether to file suit and then until age 21 to actually do it.

  6. What good are rules if they aren't expected to be followed and if they aren't going to be enforced--I'm glad the Smith coaches are being held accountable for their inappropriate behavior and clear violations of the rules governing their actions.

  7. "Fled" is quite an exaggeration.

  8. Dr. Ed (who also would have transferred to Smith Voke, or anywhere else)June 4, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    "two men in the school who had not signed in"


    The issue wasn't that they weren't in the building but that they hadn't jumped through the proper hoops? That they were only a threat because of T H A T ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    And to punish them, they locked down the school? If this is true, I do believe that people should be arrested -- starting with Mark Jackson.

    And to a normal person, what Herr Jackson describes as "fled" would be "giving up on this foolishness and deciding instead to talk to the kids downtown after school."

    And this is Team Maria's version -- and I hope that Smith Voke treats any of Team Maria's Minions with every bit as much disrespect when they go over there for anything (including a game). Yep, demand Amherst forfit because a parent didn't properly sign back in (or buy a second ticket) after having gone to the restroom.

    I also hope that Smith Voke files a counter-complaint with the MSSPA over Amherst's antics.

    Wonder how many 3M (Mark 'n' Maria's Minions) will loose next year to saner schools?

  9. Many parents sign into school and never sign out. That is because they either don't know to or forget to. Look at the log in the school and you'll see more than half never sign out.

  10. I don't know what the statute of limitations for filing complaints is

    For something you allege to have put children in imminent danger?

    Chapter 51A has a 24-hour deadline for making a phone call and something like 3-5 days for a written report.

    I am inclined to believe that most other folk would have a somewhat similar attitude toward anything alleged to be an imminent threat to children.

    Don't confuse this with medical malpractice suits...

  11. Why no mention of the underage party the Amherst parents hosted in Hadley? ...[T]here was alcohol and drugs involved..." -- not to mention two Amherst parents being summoned to court.

    The Gazette covered it, as did Masslive.

    The Hadley Police even posted photos on their Facebook Page....

    So, Larry, why not a peep from you on what looks like nearly half the senior class at a party being busted by the cops...

  12. The big question is, will the seniors drinking at that party be allowed to attend graduation Friday night?

  13. Once again the conversation here has jumped the shark.

    And once again Doctor, it's "lose" not "loose"... lose next year to saner schools...

  14. And yet my kids went to the high school and had a pretty normal year. Maybe people should talk to the students and hear their views.

  15. Hey Ed,
    It's forfeit, not forfit.

  16. If the situation were reversed, and it was Amherst coaches violating rules and illegally recruiting Voke b-ball players, posters and commentators on this blog would be yelling "hang 'em high!"

  17. And yet my kids went to the high school and had a pretty normal year.

    Research shows that a surprising percentage of children will learn in spite of a terrible educational environment.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank those who have pointed out that I have worn out yet another keyboard...

  18. Larry just hates the schools so much he can't wait to bash them on any and all occasions.

    This is his chosen path in life, to beat up on the schools in Amherst with all his might as often as possible.

    If his daughters were at the hs and two unauthorized strangers were walking around the school, and the school did nothing, oh the hating man would be singing a different tune. But it would still be hate driven. Then he would hate the schools for not doing enough to secure his kids' fate.

    Atta boy! Now that is something really worth teaching young people, like your daughters. Show them how bitter you can be. Don't hold back. Show them the real you. And then wonder why they are walking around in life with the same sour face and continuous despair you exhibit.

    Hate on, kelley!

  19. Larry, this doesn't add up -- if Jackson was so worried about the fact that the Smith Voke kids didn't have CORI checks, why the hell did he let them wander around the building the first time?!?!?!?

    Apparently child molesters and such will behave themselves if they have signed a sheet of paper -- but won't if they then don't? Apparently they are only dangerous when they haven't jumped through a procedural paperwork hoop -- but should they then not do it again, they ARE dangerous???

    And would it have anything to do with the fact that the coaches were also UMass Students? Talk about bigotry & prejudice....

  20. For those who beat on the schools at every turn, please answer this: Is there anything at all that these schools can do that you would ever think is good?

    I suspect that this group who beats the schools regularly is the same group that beat them during Gus Sayer's time, Jerry Hochman's time and Alberto Rodriguez's 8 month vacation as the supt. That goes back about 25 years. What way to spend a life!

    You don't discriminate. You simply beat the shit out of the schools because you live miserable lives and need to infect others with your venom. Is that right? Or did you end up in the wrong reading group in second grade back in 1967, and still feel the need to make someone pay?

    Right Squeaky? This is about the time you crawl out of your little hole and leave some mouse droppings on the floor here.

    Just like this:

  21. Ed, do you live in Amherst?

  22. Hey Ed-- using a spell checker would be a lot simpler than buying all those phantom keyboards, each of which always seems to have one key that sticks only on that one little word. Better yet, you could learn to spell the word! But who am I to tell you anything? You always know best.

  23. Ed, do you live in Amherst?

    Give me what I want and I'll go away. Amherst will not be rid of me until I get it, then I'll go away.

  24. For those who beat on the schools at every turn, please answer this: Is there anything at all that these schools can do that you would ever think is good?

    They have to first stop getting worse -- each year, the schools seem to suck even worse than they did the year before...

    I suspect that this group who beats the schools regularly is the same group that beat them during Gus Sayer's time, Jerry Hochman's time and Alberto Rodriguez's 8 month vacation

    Gus, Jerry, Alberto, Maria -- each worse than the one before, it is a question of how low can we lower the bar?

    Of course, the Never Educate Anyone hasn't/doesn't help, I'm all for "faculty self governance" as long as the faculty pay a personal price for bad governance.

    That goes back about 25 years.

    The problem has been building for a very long time...

    You simply beat the shit out of the schools because you live miserable lives and need to infect others with your venom.

    Or we value education and are rather upset about it not being provided anymore.

    And folks, the tactics of Team Maria so chillingly resemble the tactics of the VA.

  25. If his daughters were at the hs and two unauthorized strangers were walking around the school,

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!?!?!?

    They may have been "unauthorized" but they sure as hell were not "strangers"!!!

    The Office Staff determined exactly who these two men were (or should have) before they permitted them into the hallways the first time. They were still the same people when they were wandering the hallways the second time -- they were NOT 'strangers.'

    As they were also UMass students, i.e. only a few years older than the students themselves, there is a very good chance that no one would have ever known they were there if they hadn't signed into the office in the first place!!!

    Now if Mark's Morons are routinely permitting strange people to wander the halls, that is another issue, but there is no way one can allege that the office staff didn't have the opportunity to know who these two men were...

  26. using a spell checker would be a lot simpler than buying all those phantom keyboards

    1: Blogger already has one.

    2: No spell checker will identify the correct spelling of another word, even if the intended one is misspelled.

    3: Make a 4-figured cash contribution to the Boy Scouts and you can have the "phantom" one I just took out of service. (The other one already went out in the trash).

  27. Tell us again, Ed, what exactly is it that you want?

  28. Right Squeaky? This is about the time you crawl out of your little hole and leave some mouse droppings on the floor here.

    Squeaky is a sewer rat, not a mouse.

  29. You are too funny, Edward! Do you really think anyone believes your keyboard is the culprit? You'd look like far less of an idiot if you could ever learn to stop rising to take the bait -- every single time.

  30. No, neither rat nor mouse. Skunk is closer, at least appearance-wise. Squeaky knows what I'm talking about.


    Larry, why was having a minor physically assault the opposing team's coach not a criminal offense?

    I think it's a HELL of a lot worse than not signing a piece of paper twice the same afternoon -- in one case, someone could have cracked his head open on the hard floor and DIED -- in the other, what, the ego of a principal went unstated?

    Good catch!

  32. 10:50 PM;
    Learn how to communicate, you make no sense at all. You must be an Amherst school system graduate.

  33. Alberto Rodriguez held up a mirror, and the Amherst establishment recoiled in horror. His non-Amherst consultant documented many of the same problems with the schools that have gotten worse since Rodriguez was fired and that people had been discussing on this blog before he arrived. He wasn't a 'pat-on-the-head-enabler'; he made people uncomfortable and got fired for his trouble. Fired, people. If you know Amherst even a little bit you know how rare that is. Mirrors are problematic when the image doesn't match perception. A broken mirror supposedly brings 7 years bad luck. If that's true we're more than halfway through...

  34. Ed, what does your delusional self want?

  35. do you really think anyone believes your keyboard is the culprit?

    Amongst those who believe that the Earth is flat, probably not.

    Do you think I really care, though?

  36. I'll give you what you want Ed aka keyboard commando. At least LK doesn't hide and is out in the community and at town meeting where he can be, and has been, verbally accosted. Make your baseless accusations to my face Ed (which you would not) and you would meet an adversary greater than I appear to be. I don't care a damn bit about misspelling…its your lies, accusations and smear campaign.

    Crickets…same behind your keyboard.

  37. Anonymous said: "Make your baseless accusations to my face Ed"

    Could you please learn what the word "Anonymous" actually means?

    And notwithstanding that, exactly what "baseless accusations" am I being falsely accused of having made?

    I'm not talking about being quoted so far out of context that even I don't recognize the "cut & paste" -- exactly what is it that I have said without basis?

    Oh -- and as to being "an adversary greater than I appear to be" -- I'm a product of "Mutual Assured Destruction" and you might want to look up what that was, and the resultant mindset.

    Don't threaten me.

    The mistake I made in 2009 was backing down and I won't be making it again -- so please don't start anything you don't want to see escalating exponentially.

    And as to whatever "baseless" accusations I make, along with whomever the foxtrot you are -- well???

    And yes, I do think I am "over the target" although which target is a puzzling question.


  39. I just love it when Ed sputters!

  40. Your life, as an A.T.M..June 5, 2014 at 5:13 PM

    "No, neither rat nor mouse. Skunk is closer, at least appearance-wise. Squeaky knows what I'm talking about."

    Not exactly,

    but I like how it sounds.


  41. "I just love it when Ed sputters!"

    The US Air Force has a saying:
    "If they are shooting at you,
    it means that you are over the target."

    I just can't figure out which target I'm over...

  42. Ed, we can't give you a life. You have to get one on your own.

  43. Ed, we can't give you a life. You have to get one on your own.

    Done that -- that isn't the issue.

    I want a genuine public apology and more importantly assurance that what was done to me will never, EVER be done to another UMass student.


    And I mean that, boys & girls, NEVER AGAIN!

  44. Ed,
    GROW UP you little baby. Also shave your ugly-ass beard, clean-up, and lose some weight by getting off the keyboard. You are the most pathetic sounding person I've never met. I have one observation for you, I'll bet you are still a virgin and that's where all your real problems lie. You don't need an apology, you need to lose that sexual frustration. Ed, I'm sorry but porn is not the answer, but a relationship might help. So lose the weight, clean yourself up and give it a try. Who knows, there may be someone out there who really wants to hear what you have to say.
    Just sayin...

  45. A rather upset Dr. EdJune 7, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    I am going to respond to this, penis breath:

    I have a MD -- Harvard Med -- who is happy with my weight and doesn't wish me to loose any. I don't discuss things done in private with ladies, but, well...

    And there ARE people not only willing to listen to what I have to say but willing to reward me fairly lucratively for saying them.

    And you WANT TO PRAY THAT I GET WHAT I WANT BEFORE MY BOOK IS FINISHED. Or perhaps, penis breath, just deal with the consequences.

    Whatever. Penis Breath....
    Go **** yourself.

  46. Sputtering Ed! Oh how I love it when he sputters! I can almost see the spit flying as he types away on his broken keyboard with the sticky "o" key.

  47. Well Ed nice try, but I'm sorry I don't have penis breath. I'm kinda' fond of the ladies. It was really nice to see that you are conscientious about your weight problem. I'm really surprised it took so long for you to respond? I hope the truth wasn't unnerving for you. As for your book, be honest, that's just a pipe dream you use to justify all that pent-up sexual frustration you have. But seriously shave the beard, clean up and give it a try, oh yeah. maybe if you tie a string around your finger as reminder you wouldn't use excessive o's in the word lose all the time.
    Just sayin...

  48. Attacking me personally is evidence that you fear me and hence need to discredit me so as to prevent people from looking to closely at you.

    Now I'm protective of people whom I care about and that's why I got upset but there was a time when treating women with dignity and respect -- and not as pieces of meat -- was considered a virtue.

    As was protecting the privacy and hence reputation of ladies.

    I stil think these are virtues.

  49. You better go get another keyboard, Ed. This one has a problem with the "l" key.
