Thursday, June 12, 2014

Aggressive Pot Perp

  Eli Berman, 25, appearing before Judge Hurley.  May want to dress better for his next appearance

Last week Amherst police arrested Eli Berman, age 25, who was apparently in the middle of a downtown drug deal but tried to distract an officer by calling him a, "Fucking asshole."

Not the best way to deal those vested with the authority to arrest you.  Which in his case, they did.


  1. Throw the book at him. Twice.

  2. A bladed-off fighting stance with clenched fists? Does APD carry tasers by any chance?

  3. Good question. I'll ask.

    I know they are not ordering drones anytime soon.

  4. Will look good on his resume.

  5. seems quite unnecessary for this dummy to fight off cops for having a dime bag of pot on him. what a clown

  6. He might actually get the whole thing tossed.

    A cop once told me that in Massachusetts, "you can not disturb the peace of a peace officer" -- he can argue that his right to swear at police officers was violated and he may well win.

  7. Not sure that he actually fought anybody. Keeping your hands to your sides is not exactly punching. Resisting yes, but the assault part will probably get tossed.

  8. Let's make sure not to blame the real problem here, the drug war. Hippies love to have their cake and eat it too, then worship it as a fallen hero, when it should have never been baked in the first place.

  9. Dr. Ed, you make a good point (for once).

    Could depend on whether there are other citizens around, as well.

  10. I have a 9 min video of the hole encounter. Who does this guy Larry think he is going to court and placing his own judgement and taking pictures of people who have been arrested. Guilty or not. He also didn't bother to tell you that 2 bystaderds were also arrested and a 3rd had his phone smashed by APD for filming. It's no secret that APD are board in the Sumer and go on power trips for dime bags of weed. How can he resist arrest when that little weed is not even an aresstable offence. It's obvious the party's involved were drunk but the police had no couse in my opinion to arrest the 2 bystaderds. I can post the video if I get approved by the blogger which I dout, seeing as this seems one sidded. Sorry for the spelling.

  11. Just because the APD type something on a police report absolutely does not meen it is true. They need to lookout for themselves when all is said and done and they have to say things to dilute there own mishandling of investigations.

  12. Stool pigeon stu

    Pleese poast a leenk tu yore vidyo. Fank yoo.

  13. Lets see the video Stu- if not is it on youtube that we can look it up to form our own opinions?

    Stool Crow
