Tuesday, May 27, 2014


ARHS side entrance (Dylan Akalis need not apply)

The Amherst Regional High School Senior Prom is this weekend and graduation at the UMass Mullins Center the following weekend.

Dylan Akalis, although graduating from ARHS, will not be at either milestone event.

Perhaps if he invited his male, minority friend to the senior prom -- you know, the one he affectionately used the N-word with -- PC school officials would fall all over themselves to allow a same sex couple to attend.

Dylan's dad reports the family will be out of town over the next two weekends as a preemptive strike in case there's a "racial incident" at either of the school sponsored events.  Not being in the area with your entire family as witnesses makes for a pretty good alibi.

Since Dylan has not set foot on school property since the Facebook "threat" incident closed the school on  January 27th,  that has been the case for the vast majority of the racial incidents involving anonymous notes and/or graffiti left in ARHS rest rooms targeting teacher of color Carolyn Gardner. 

Yes Dylan was around for the first incident that happened in October, but since school officials purposely did not report it to Amherst police and worked diligently to cover it up, the other incidents that followed (after Dylan was long gone) were probably not the work of a copy cat.  

ARHS senior Camila Carpio was given a "social justice" award at the Sojourner Truth Memorial Celebration on Sunday.  She's the outspoken young lady who outed Dylan with a very misleading public Internet petition to ban Dylan from the senior prom and graduation.  

A petition that does not seem to be doing well, with a goal of only 100 signatures: the vast majority of the current "65 supporters" are NOT from Amherst and are not ARHS students.

When I asked the schools for a recent memo sent to them by Paula Akalis they redacted Dylan's name (and school personnel) "per confidentiality regulations."  Since Dyan was never charged with a crime and never appeared before a judge, newspapers would not be allowed to use his name either.  

Yes Ms. Carpio is a private citizen (who seems to covet the public limelight) so she is less bound by regulations than the Schools or a newspaper ... but that still does not make it okay.   

So where's the "social justice" in that?


  1. You'd have thought that Ms. Carpio would have proofread her petition before posting it. Although, maybe she did. If so, she might need more "schoool".

  2. You're not entirely wrong about this issue, but far from completely right. Yes, Dylan was the subject of bullying at ARHS. However, he DID post an irrational and endangering status through facebook targeting the school, and DID frequently use racial slurs. They were not likely used with malintent- they were common at his previous school in Holyoke, but they were not taken well at Amherst and he continued to use them. The issue of whether he still has the privilege to attend graduation is a different issue. His actions were irresponsible, but his recent behavior has been very reasonable. However, simply by attending graduation, Akalis may make some students and families feel very uncomfortable- something Jackson reasonably wants to avoid.

  3. Well if Ms. Carpio had not outed him, most folks at graduation would not have known who he was.

    And my sources tell me the three kids who bullied him are all juniors, so chances are they would not be at the graduation ceremony this year.

  4. C'mon. Everyone knew who he was. Didn't you go to high school?

  5. Thanks to Ms. Carpio, a Hell of a lot more now know who he is.

  6. Camila's campaign seems more like one of "social retribution" than "social justice".

    Another point which has gone under reported is that of the parties involved in the "facebook threat" incident, none are from Amherst: Dylan is from Holyoke and the boys who bullied him are guests here in Amherst from NYC and at ARHS, staying at the ABC House. Maybe we need to better screen who we allow as guest students into our schools? And seeing how "racist" the HS is, and seeing how underrepresented "people of color" are within the staff and faculty at ARHS, will Camila and her adult enablers and supporters encourage the "A Better Chance" students to return to attend the high school where they are from for their senior year next fall, so they they don't have to endure all the bias and tension and institutional racism?

    Finally, regarding the last note found in the library of the high school which drove Ms. Gardner away: the APD stated that it "might not have been a kid" who left the note, that many adults had access. The evening before the note was found, there was a school board meeting in the library of the HS, and in attendance in the audience were, among other active ralliers and protesters, Ms. Gardner, Kathleen Anderson (president of the Amherst NAACP,) as well as several other of the people who have championed her cause. I can't help but speculate... was the note intended to be found by Ms. Gardner or someone else during the meeting, on live TV, but it went unnoticed until Wednesday morning?

  7. Actually one of the black kids is the son of a Middle School administrator, so presumably they live in Amherst.

  8. There is a joint School Committee meeting tonight in the ARHS library, so maybe the room should be searched BEFORE starting the meeting.

  9. Anon 3:17 has the paranoid whiff of an Ed comment.

    Is he traveling incognito these days, now that we now know how to crush his comments?

  10. Who knew that the magic words of retribution are "I'm uncomfortable"?

  11. All they need do is issue a "trigger alert."

  12. It was no secret. My daughter sat near him and she knew the first day he wasn't there, as did everyone else in his classes.

  13. Yes but does she know the names of the three black kids who bullied Dylan?

    Probably a lot harder to figure out since they were never punished via suspensions.

  14. anon 3:56 PM:

    I'm not paranoid, it's just that there has clearly been a concerted effort this school year on the part of a small group of "activists" to place their set of issues and concerns front and foremost, and to initiate changes they want, by any means necessary, beginning with Carpio's age-inappropriate rant at the back to school gathering, and where she was loudly cheered on by two school committee members while videotaping it, through to the same core groups' protest of the incarceration of and call for "justice" for recently convicted cocaine dealer Ayyub Abdul-Alim and their insistence he is innocent, (http://justiceforayyub.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/spngfield1-640x270.jpg) (https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/969305_412287048900746_1414591733_n.jpg), to their support of a school committee candidate because she was not white, to their protests and rallies against anonymous notes targeting Ms. Gardner, held at UMass, and outside the schools buildings while kids are trying to go about their school days, and at school board meetings, to the same group awarding Carpio a "social justice award", etc etc... much of this activity advertised online by Mr. Shabazz, Ms. Doungmany, Ms. Carpio, the president of the Amherst NAACP Katherine Anderson, as well as others within their group. They were/are obviously seeking attention to themselves and their causes, to garner support from many sectors, by any means necessary.

    It's not paranoid to wonder whether someone intentionally placed that final note in the library where they knew Gardner, Shabazz, Douangmany, Carpio, Anderson, and other radicalized protesters and NAACP members were to gather that evening, for one of them to find it.

    Again, the offensive note was found in the library, feet from where they were all gathered that evening, very soon after they dispersed from it...take away the time school was locked for the evening after the sc meeting, and the note was found moments after they dispersed.

  15. "Actually one of the black kids is the son of a Middle School administrator,"

    This family lives at the ABC home. One of the parents (or both of them) are employed to oversee the residence.
    Might not be the best place to raise a family

  16. Congrats! You just won most racist comment of the day.

  17. Re Dylan's name being made public: Can his parents get Google (and other browsers)to remove this, since his name was supposed to be confidential as part of a high school circumstance? If not, there are 'reputation repair' services that can bury his name deep into search pages. Otherwise, whenever his name is googled in the future in reference to a job, etc., this incident will come up, even though his name was supposed to be confidential.

  18. To suggest that the leaving of notes at the HS has been an "inside job" is paranoid.

  19. So you think an outsider broke into the school to do it?

  20. The APD has stated it was not necessarily a student but possibly an adult who had access to the library, and further that "a lot of people had access", so that includes every student and every adult who entered the library after school on Tuesday and into the evening, or Wednesday morning, prior to the note being discovered. Are the cops paranoid too, anon 8:07 PM?

    I don't get it anon 8:07 PM, what exactly is so paranoid about considering that the note was left in the library for adults attending the sc meeting the evening before--which included Gardner and several NAACP members, including Anderson and Sherlock, as well as a former ABC house "parent"--to find during the meeting? The note was found within moments, in terms of "business hours", of Gardner leaving the library, within feet of where she/they were sitting.

    You're saying that's purely coincidence, I'm saying that seems significant and ought to be followed up on.

  21. 8:06, I don't believe you were there. Name 5 teachers you had and the subjects they taught. Most importantly, who was your spelling teacher.

  22. to 8:39 and other conspiracy theorists:

    The note was not found within minutes of the school committee meeting. It was found later in the day on Wednesday. Furthermore, the chairs are set up in a certain way for school committee meetings. Those chairs need to be moved back again before school starts. So there would have been custodial staff in the area where people were sitting.

    Also, the library is a very large room. How do you know that the note was found within feet of where certain people were sitting? You don't. But you sure feel no compunction in saying so.

    These baseless speculations are hurtful. It's bad enough that Ms. Gardner has had to suffer through these experiences and this disruption to her career. To suggest that she brought it upon herself is outrageous and only compounds the pain.

  23. Nina, you didn't read what I said and you're assuming I said something I didn't: I said that the cops should consider whether the perpetrator of the crimes (leaving the notes) left it for her to find, knowing that she would be in the library that evening, not that she brought it on herself. And I might just know more about when and where the note was found than you think.

    The COPS say it could be ANYONE, Nina, every student and every adult that had access, which includes kids and adults who were in the school library on Tuesday, everyone who attended the sc meeting on Tuesday evening, everyone who entered the library on Wednesday morning, and it includes you as well, Nina. Sorry if that compounds anyone's pain.

  24. "It includes you as well,Nina."

    Do you see what insight Ed brings to the discussion?

    It could have been Santa Claus.

  25. Ms. Carpio is a private citizen...

    No Larrry, she's a child and the ARHS has the legal right to regulate her speech for her own good. That's what the 'Bong Hits for Jesus" case was all about.

  26. Considering the fact that there are other black teachers in ARHS that have not received threats of any kind (that I'm aware of), I stick to my opinion that the various kinds of attacks against Ms. Gardner are personal and that the racist element to them are a smoke-screen. Amherst is quick to jump to a pc conclusion about these kinds of occurrences. I am more convinced than ever that Ms. Gardner was targeted not because she is black but because she pissed a kid off in her classroom, the kid took it out on her in what he perceived to be the easiest and meanest way, and the race card was subsequently played.

  27. Gee, and that's not racism?

  28. How is it that the newspapers are under some restriction you are not in regards to saying the accused kid's name? I don't see the difference between what you are doing and a newspaper. Are we permitting newsmen now? and if so, do you have a permit to have your speech restricted as described? Can you clarify?

    The irony of this whole situation....if you thought he hated black people before....has has had a number of months to stew on this and he will still become a big adult someday (most puppies grow up)....now likely to be someone who hates BOTH blacks AND liberals.

    Poor handling of this situation locally actually can lead to this kid going nuts on people in the future - with actual sticks and stones in stead of just the name calling that everyone is freaking out about. If it happens, I hope those involved in this little mess remember they had a hand in creating another monster. It is called a negative feedback loop. Amherst if full of them.

  29. To 7:52 AM - No, it's convenience.

  30. Yokal:

    Newspapers felt free to use Dylan's name (and I as well) because Camila Carpio had publicly outed him with that bullying online petition.

    No, journalists do not need a permit to do journalism.

    I have always been told that you cannot publish the name of anyone who was issued a "non criminal" ticket for Noise or Nuisance house offenses or a speeding ticket.

    But I do notice in today's Gazette they use the name of the young woman driver involved in the train car crash in North Amherst last week, even though they clearly say it was a "non criminal" citation issued.

    Dylan is pretty squared away. I would not worry about him becoming a mass murderer.

  31. Pain you don't have any idea what pain is.

  32. Larry,

    Not that I don't applaud your conviction to the truth or justice, but is there any indication that the Administration or the SC have in any way felt pressure from this story that you rightfully keeping alive.

    It seems like they are just ignoring the whole thing hoping it will blow over after a short summer break. Certainly I have not seen any type of remorse for the injustice caused to Dylan's family or the lack of punishment for the 3 young men also involved in this incident.

  33. Truth is a very powerful thing.

    Ignore it at your peril.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. "Truth is a very powerful thing.

    Ignore it at your peril."

    Man, you are an egomaniac.

  37. is anyone else feeling disturbed by adults on this blog attacking over and over a high school student? it's getting mean.

  38. Welcome to the public arena. Or as lawyers would say, "she opened the door."

  39. Anon 4:13 -
    If you're worried about protecting Camila Carpio from "attack" you might counsel her on what responsibility she takes when she self-righteously reveals the identity of a minor, misrepresents facts about the incidents he was involved (and substantially harmed) in, and calls on the public to collectively shun/exclude this young man. She has also revealed another thing: her own shallow service as a tool for the raucous local community-organizer machine.

  40. This high school student has absolutely no qualms about attacking others. I see no problem with her taking some fire for the comments she has made and things she has done.

  41. Besides, "That which does not kill you ..."

  42. say the nameless adults attacking a kid. what's up with you guys?

  43. Anon 454 clearly has no experience with Camila Carpio.

  44. Sadly she is not being counseled by the adults around her but is being enabled, encouraged and supported--I noticed both her parents signed her petition which was designed to disgrace and shame another classmate (speaking of adults attacking a high school aged kid.)

  45. "It includes you as well,Nina."

    Do you see what insight Ed brings to the discussion?


    Although I do agree with the point made, I would have made it quite differently -- "...the list of persons whom the police have to consider potential suspects -- anyone who could have been in that library -- even includes you, Nina."

    Nina -- you are always preaching about racism, what happened to Yvette Henry ought to be a wake-up call to you! As I understand it, they actually had the real perp, a maintainer, but let her go because "she isn't Black" (which the FBI profile said the perp would be).

    This, Nina, is why you gotta do investigations right and not just lynch the person whom you think is guilty...

    I will go further -- selection by exclusion also has to rule out the possibility that the victim herself didn't write the note.

    Selection by inclusion doesn't, the UMPD had two different cameras recording Jason Vassell slicing & dicing those two boys, and hence he was identified as being the man who is Jason Vassell.

    If you are going to accuse someone on the basis of "no one else could possibly have done this" then you have to investigate and eliminate absolutely everyone else, and that not only includes Carolyn Gardner but absolutely everyone else.

  46. Anon 5:02 pm from 5/27:
    I have never seen Mr. Shabazz or Ms. Douangmany take the same radical positions and use the same sort of charged, hateful rhetoric that Ms. Carpio does. She attacks people of privilege so strongly and vehemently that even people of some privilege who agree with her on many (or at least some) of the issues she raises cannot support her or her stances. Her service as Ms. Douangmany's campaign manager, during which she made extreme statements in front of a variety of audiences, including at a school committee meeting, did more to hurt than help the campaign. Mr. Shabazz and Ms. Douangmany are much more about working together with others from across a wide spectrum to address issues of discrimination and inequities.

  47. If Carpio worked for me as a campaign manager and she made hateful, charged, radical comments in public that didn't reflect my views about school governance, even once, I would have fired her immediately, and not allowed her to represent me to the town again, as Vira did several times.

    Shabazz has acted as mentor and enabler to Carpio since the beginning of the school year, in one instance videotaping a hateful rant, (at an event attended by pre-school and elementary students and their families, where families felt compelled to remove their children from the event during her time at the mic,) while loudly cheering her on. He was also present at some of her campaign "speeches" in support of Vira, and apparently the "rhetoric" she delivered did not dissuade him from publicizing, and being the main speaker at, a recent ceremony at the Sojourner Truth Memorial organized to present Camila with a a "social justice" award.

    Seems like Shabazz and Douangmany are on board with Camila's radical message to me, and voters should consider their behaviors and stances should either decide to run again for a political position in town.

  48. Thank you, Anon 2:01. I could not have said it better myself. Folks like Shabazz, Vira, Kathleen Anderson and Trevor Baptiste not only condone and support Ms. Carpio's words and actions they actively encourage them. These five people have done more harm to the goal of social justice than anyone in recent memory.

  49. I will ask this -- what would happen were Camila Carpio a white male making similar statements but about a "master race" and similar such things?

    I don't believe the ARSH would tolerate such statements. Above and beyond the mob violence that they tolerated (if not encouraged) in the Dylan Disaster, I don't believe they would permit a student to make such racially hateful statements.

    So how is Camila Carpio different?

  50. They don't seem to get the difference between "justice" and "retribution", and it seems like they consider their only obligation toward our school community's social justice goals is to constantly, theatrically, and obnoxiously demand immediate action from OTHERS, because THEY are "impatient". Their positive, proactive contributions to the districts stated goals have been essentially nil, they are complainers who look for fault everywhere but in the mirror.

    Don't be fooled by Douangmany's and Shabazz's attempts to appear to distance themselves from the less politically astute among their crew (Anderson, Sherlock, Carpio, et al) after reading the writing on the wall subsequent to Vira's landslide loss for SC. They are NOT the reasonable, cooperative pair, who want to "work together with others from across a wide spectrum to address issues of discrimination and inequities", among the childish troupe of inarticulate and politically un-savvy screamers, they are one and the same.

  51. Camila Carpio's latest online post in response to the recent slayings at UCSB last weekend:

    "Senseless-Self-Entitled Killing: A White Family Tradition since 1492"

    (even though the killers mother is Asian, apparently he came from a "white family"?)

    This is the young adult Shabazz and Douangmany have taken under their wings, THIS is type of public "conversation and discourse" (not!) they support and encourage from her.
