Monday, April 7, 2014

Suddenly On A Sunday

AFD at Blarney Blowout trying to get to a patient on Fearing Street

Not that I needed a graphic reminder or anything, but the compassionate professional and timely manner in which the Emergency Medical Services responded to my 12-year-old daughter yesterday underscores why I'm such a BIG fan of public safety.

When my wife called to say Kira had been thrown from a horse at a farm just over the town line in Hadley I instantly said, "Call 911!".  She already had.

Hadley FD (Rescue 1) arrived quickly and when I was en route at speeds a tad greater than the speed limit I heard them over the scanner hand her over to AFD for transport to Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

That alone was calming, knowing she was in good hands and that they were heading to CDH rather than Baystate Medical Trauma unit in Springfield.

I got there in time to be with her for a few moments in the back of the ambulance and my wife went along for the ride to CDH.  Amazingly it was her first trip in an ambulance, as it was for my daughter. They both thought the speed, sirens, flashing lights and occasional honking of the horn was "pretty cool."

Fortunately she was wearing a well fitted helmet and hit the somewhat soft earth rather than the wooden fence.  And hospital x-rays showed no damage.  A happy ending indeed.

This attention getting incident served to remind me of how vital our first responders are, and how easy that is to take for granted.  I just wish AFD had the staffing level to provide this kind of quality service 24/7, seven days a week.

Because had my daughter been in need of an AFD ambulance at other times of the day or night, she may have had to wait for a mutual aid ambulance to arrive from a surrounding town.

As both a parent and a taxpayer, I find that unacceptable.

Meanwhile, over the weekend, half the EMS calls to UMass were for drunk students.

A safe way for Kira to ride

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  1. Larry, I'm so glad Kira's all right. Keep up the great work!

  2. Happy it was a good outcome Larry! My daughter was in a very serious car accident a number of years ago and was badly injured. Thanks to the Amherst Fire Department she was quickly "jaws of lifed" out of the car and rushed to Baystate Trauma Center. I shudder to think what might have happened had something like the Barney Blowout or the Hobart Hoedown been taking place. These kids are old enough to be aware, and old enough to CARE that their carryings on can have grave consequences for others.

  3. When I heard them say, "en route to CDH" rather than "Baystate," that's when I knew it would be good outcome.

    I don't even want to imagine what you went through.

    If these rowdy kids acted up in the in their own hometowns, it would be their mother, grandmother, sister or friend who would have to wait for an ambulance due to their irresponsible behavior.

    Maybe then they would get it.

  4. Larry sorry to hear about your daughters accident. Hope Kira is doing well, and give her my best wishes. Keep riding Kira for its a wonder adventure. Just ask my daughter Caelah.

  5. Thanks Steve. She has a lesson scheduled for Friday, but I have to make an appointment with her doctor to clear her to ride again.

  6. Glad to hear all is well and that the Town responded as it should. Glad, also, that it wasn't a choice between her and dropping a drunk on the side of the road.

  7. I knew something was up. My wife and I were dricing back from Look Park yesterday and I swore I saw you taking a left into hospital. I told her, "there's Larry!" and she quipped that you were just chasing another ambulance for a story. Little did we know...

    Glad she's ok.

  8. Thanks. I've actually heard a horror story or two about first responders having to deal with their own at an accident site.

  9. Larry, glad to hear that Kira is okay. She's a tough cookie as I remember from AAC Kid's Class days. She always understood the concept of falling the proper way, too. I doubt this will keep her from climbing back up on that horse.

  10. Thanks Keith. She already has a riding lesson scheduled for Friday. But her doctor, on Thursday, has to give the okay (which I think he will).

  11. I am glad your daughter is fine.

    However, as a state taxpayer, I am upset that the town of Amherst receives parts of my tax dollars instead of my town. That is unacceptable! I would rather they go to my first responders here than state aid to Amherst.

  12. Do you mean Hadley? They get tax dollars too.

    Glad Kira is o.k. You're right, Larry, we need to increase our numbers of first responders.

  13. Very happy that your daughter Kira will bi okay and that you received outstanding help from our medical responders :)

  14. I mean any western Mass town that would not have the resources without that university's presence. Don't get me wrong, the actions of UMass students as of late are disgusting, yet I see nowhere equal a critique towards Amherst or Hampshire students (who if I recall have a larger ETOH percentage than UMass according to a graph Larry posted). The only difference is that UMass does not have the luxury of charging students whatever they want, and therefore cannot hand over cash like Amherst, but still provides more services to the town than most universities. The town of course, responds to this with silence and critique.

  15. Larry - I'm so happy that she is OK. As a life-long equestrian, it speaks volumes to the need to wear a helmet at all times. Even the most seasoned school horse can have a bad day. I hope she gets back on and keeps riding!!
