Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Do I hear $6 million?

ARHS for sale, but apparently not for rent

Well that's one way to solve all the problems Amherst Regional High School has been having of late with lockdowns and racial incidents.

The kids are kind of undervaluing their home however, as taxpayers put $22 million into renovating/expanding the facility back in 1996.

Senior prank from Friday: bologna used to spell out graduation year (non vegetarian students):


  1. Glad to see somebody has a sense of humor! Our senior prank was 1000 crickets let loose in hallway

  2. Perhaps one of the 13 school administrators in Amherst who make over $100K/year can bid. They can certainly afford it.

  3. I'm surprised the bologna used to spell out "2014" hasn't caused a vegetarian uprising yet. Perhaps people can hold a vigil in town in support of the offended herbivores.

  4. Hey at least the schools didn't call in a HAZMAT response.

  5. Just imagine had they spelled it with peanut butter. The school would have been condemned and torn down.

  6. Our senior prank was to let 4 pigs Go in the hallways labeled 1, 2,3,5 funny watching them look for number 4

  7. Heck, we at least put a real "For Sale" sign out in front of the school.

  8. Seriously? A high school student put "anyways" in the post? Are we graduating illiterates now?

  9. They said "Baloney" because saying "Bullshit" would have gotten them expelled.
