Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tintin On The Move

So yes, as one of my sagacious Anons pointed out in comments last week the Jones Library has indeed moved the suddenly (in Amherst anyway) controversial Tintin series of comic books.  But no, it has nothing to do with political pressure -- including hints of racism -- brought to bear by parents and others concerned about dated, racially insensitive material.

Jones Library:  Amherst's living room

According to Library Director Sharon Sharry:  "Librarians are constantly re-thinking space needs, so as part of this ongoing dialogue, we reviewed the placement of our comic books and decided to give them a new home within the Children's Room.  It's a very nice, cozy, bright spot that we think the kids will love."

New cozy home for comics section

A very small number of parents asked the Jones to relocate the comics out of the children's section entirely making them less accessible to their target audience, children.  They pointed out the books are located in the main entry to the Children's Room and therefor have a higher profile.

Comics section former home
I'm told the Tintin comic series has been popular at the Jones Library for the last 30 years or so. And the recent tempest seems not to have unduly tarnished their popularity: On Friday when I asked for a sample copy to photograph, I was informed all 24 comics are currently out.


  1. It's interesting timing for the relocation of the comics section, if it has nothing at all to do with the Tintin request. The library hasn't made many other changes in the children's section lately, even though it could definitely use some. I think it would be great for example to have the biographies on the main floor, and not upstairs.

    Btw, I was at the Jones Library today and more than 15 Tintin books were back on the shelves.

  2. The library has actually been arranging many things in the children's section.

  3. My understanding from conversation with library staff is that the rearrangement of that area off the main reference desk was in the works since well before the Tintin challenge.

  4. Maybe parents should continuously check out and reserve the Congo Tin Tin and keep it out of the hands of kids. It's a really messed up issue--and I love Tin Tin.

  5. Actually that particular issue (the Jones only had 1 French version) is being "discontinued" because it's worn out.

    And no, they do not plan on replacing it with a new one.

  6. I'm happy to donate new copies of the English-language version for the children's, comic AND adult sections.

