Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Foot In The Till?

Amherst Youth Soccer

The Amherst Police Department is investigating bookkeeping irregularities reported to them by the Amherst Youth Soccer Association.  Either cash disappeared or membership checks were written to an individual and the amount never showed up in the AYSA bank account.

The Director of Coaching and Player Development during that time was Chris Streeter.


  1. Joel and Chris quit abruptly a few days before the start of last years youth soccer. No one ever explained why?

  2. Chris Streeter was let go in August, after failure to do the work required in his contract, after 2 seasons of working with him on this. Joel retired in September when new Board members took over his roles in the organization.

  3. What a scummy thing to do! I hope someone is held responsible.

  4. I'm kind of curious. How much money can you really walk off from in a sports league when you are only targeting parents who did not pay on time. If this did happen was it really worth, what I am guessing, is a small payday.

  5. Interesting that when Chris was "let go" the league fell apart. Last fall was an utter disaster without him, disorganized and many kids never got to play because they were not allowed to sign up. "Coach Stu" was a joke. Joel and Chris were far more to that league than anyone gave them credit for.

  6. Chris's "approach" was lazy and disengaged. He supevised from afar and ignored parents' requests/questions regularly.

  7. How much money can you really walk off from in a sports league when you are only targeting parents who did not pay on time.

    And how do you cover up the fact that -- technically -- they still haven't paid?

  8. Larry, any relation to (Mother) Mary Streeter?


  9. (lmao) really? Seems the sheeple of Amherst need to wake up and realize this is nothing but a smoke screen to put off attention from the bigger scandal the schools are trying to hide from the taxpayers. And, hey Larry, how come no reports on this breaking story??? http://www.amherstbulletin.com/news/10530675-95/director-of-schools-finances-placed-on-leave One has to wonder why no charges from DA involved with the Detweiler scandal, but charges pressed in this petty sports theft. So I stand on my rooftop screaming, "WAKE UP AMHERST, WAKE UP SHEEPLE".
