Wednesday, March 19, 2014

DUI Hopefuls

Two back-to-back DUI cases disposed of on Monday in Eastern Hampshire District Court gives me some hope for the future with all things alcohol.  And after the Blarney Blowout, I could use some positive news.

Both cases involved UMass grad students, so not your typical "college aged males" 18-22.   One case from an arrest back in August and the other one having just occurred over the weekend.

John Logan, age 25, made the mistake of sharing his vehicle with a loud mouthed friend, no doubt also under the influence of alcohol, who yelled out the window of the car at a female pedestrian near Amherst town center last August 18th.

When pulled over by APD Mr Logan reeked of alcohol, with glassy eyes, and admitted to having had "two beers," but he failed the Breathalyzer miserably with a .18 reading.

Mr. Logan accepted a typical 24-D plea deal:  45 day loss of license, $600 in fines, one year probation with a $65/month probation fee.

When the Judge asked the standard question:  "Where did you have your last drink" he replied "private residence."

Joseph Stadnicki, age 26, appeared with his lawyer who told the judge they would like to quickly "dispose of this matter."

The prosecution still read the charges:  Mr. Stadnicki was speeding through Amherst town center, took a wide turn onto Rt 9, swerved back and forth over over the yellow lines half-way into the other lane, then overly swerved back the other way hitting a curb.

When pulled over the officer noted the strong smell of alcohol, slurred speech, glassy eyes.  Stadnicki admitted to having consumed, "5 or 6 beers".  He failed the Field Sobriety Test and back at the station tested .10 on the Breathalyzer.

He too took the standard 24-D disposition.  When the Judge asked where he had his last drink he replied "High Horse Tavern" in town center. 

Both individuals were well dressed, polite and gave off an air of contrition.  As grad students, obviously they are into education.  I hope they learned a valuable lesson.


  1. "well dressed, polite and gave off an air of contrition" -- kinda like the cops who showed up on Monday nite?

  2. Except the cops who showed up to Monday night's Select Board meeting were not arrested or charged with anything.

    So them I'm not worried about. Not in the least.

  3. With all the new ID scanners at all the up town bars. Cant the cops automatically tell what bars and when the drunks have been to? Maybe post who over serves the most?

  4. Yea I'm sure they will do that in all of their spare time

  5. Justin Peterson-NewMarch 20, 2014 at 2:44 PM

    Get Em' Larry.

  6. They certainly learned on the cheap. That amount barely covers the cost per credit these days.
