Friday, March 7, 2014

Blarney Blowout: Eve Of Destruction?

Townhouse quad this morning:  Calm before the storm?

Unfortunately the "Blarney Blowout" is a state of mind.  And unlike the Hobart Hoedown, which was always pretty much grounded in a certain narrow location, you really can't lock down the entire town.

 Hobart Ln:  Note sign height to avoid souvenir hunters

Perhaps the Select Board should have nipped things in the bud by pulling the liquor license of McMurphy's and Stackers three years ago when they first dreamed up this abomination.  Town officials (and the mainstream media) have been behind the curve on this issue since inception.

 Gazette trying to make up for last year

So here we are now, the day before the biggest party event of the year.  Yes, this time town and UMass officials have done an avalanche of advance messaging, dutifully carried by the mainstream media.

But nobody hired a shaman (or the CIA) to bring us a blizzard tomorrow.  The predicted weather is for the best day we've seen in a l-o-n-g while. And in this case, good weather is a cop's worst enemy.

 McMurphy's this morning:  note absence of Blarney Blowout advertising

Police and private security will try to be proactive and keep crowds from growing to the massive throng was saw at the Townhouse quad area last year.  But that may not be all that easy or even legal since the constitution does guarantee the  "freedom to assemble in public places."

Or as the hard core rowdies might put it, "Fight for your right to p-a-r-t-y."   Probably not what our Founding Fathers had in mind, however.

Daily Collegian with helpful Blarney Blowout advice  (They forgot "Don't drink and drive!")

Even the damn lawyers are into it

Downtown bars loading up Noon Friday


  1. Larry, don't you understand, Queen Enku and the ACT Nazis have decreed that the US Constitution is null & void -- UM students no longer have any rights, civil or otherwise, other than the knowledge that "they can't get all of us" and the youthful belief that "it won't happen to me."

    That's why if anything does start getting out of hand, it will quickly get WAY out of hand and this time, I'm thinking perhaps beyond what people are able to deal with. It's just like the old DDR -- you can only stomp on stuff so much and then the lid blows off...

  2. My prediction... Larry, charge up your batteries because this years festival will be deadly.

    Hey State police, better get everyone you can on duty, the weather will be warm and you will need all the help and riot gear you can muster.

    The reverse psychology is at work here. EVERYONE told the students not to get out of hand and so they will get very out-of-hand.

  3. Yeah I just bought a new case for my iPhone that has a built in battery that doubles the life of the charge,

    And the iPad mini lasts forever.

  4. It will be impossible to figure out where people are congregating. Obviously the townhouses are filled with snow. Most kids will get bored at the bar, wander around a sidestreet, and go home. Nothing major this year, count on it.

  5. Ed, you need to get outside more.

  6. The reverse psychology is at work here. EVERYONE told the students not to get out of hand and so they will get very out-of-hand."

    It's more than that. By reacting as they did, they told the students that they think that a lot of other students will be there. At which point, the threats become meaningless.

    I think you folk will see a REAL riot this time...

  7. Who up for a wager? I say 7 arrests, 16 injuries.

  8. I don't get it?

    Pay thousands to go to college, and spent your time getting drunk and risk getting expelled.

    Do they get a refund if this happens?

  9. Ed, someone suggested that you get out more.

    I have a better idea: stay right there by your computer, for as long as you can.

  10. It will be impossible to figure out where people are congregating.

    That's so "80's... Two words: Social Media. You do know all these kids are lugging their computers with them, don't you?

    I predict snowballs. You do know that a high school baseball pitcher can throw one of those at 90 MPH, don't you?

    When Officer Friendly -- well, Officer Friendly retired with Chief Moia but when cops start getting hit repeatedly in the head with those, it's gonna get ugly real fast....

    ACT Delenda Est....

  11. Ed's wishing for a riot, how typical of Mr. Doom and Gloom. I do not expect any major problems, seems like the town is ahead of the curve now.

  12. More so than last year, that's for sure.

  13. You're clearly "behind the curve" also as the Blarney Blowout has been going on at McMurphy's for 10 years.

  14. Generals always plan for the last war. The Maginot Line worked so well, didn't it?

  15. Larry, straight up. You are such a fcking loser. Do you realize that this blog and the infatuation with attempting to ruin fellow UMass students' lives has engulfed your sad fcking life? Bro you talk about the students so much and admit to UMass being the biggest market in Amherst. If you can't deal with the negatives associated with that thn get the fck out you tool. (And the only reason why anyone has to post anonymous is because you are that big of a squid that you would attempt to ruin peoples lives) Grow up you gray haired fcking loser. You have kids right? Raise them. Leave the blog alone. Cant wait to see you front row tomorrow taking shtty videos accusing students of heinous crimes at the townhouses.

  16. We're even: can 't wait to get you on video.

  17. This event has actually been going on for 15years at McMurphys to which the bar itself has never had an issue. The Blarney Blowout only became an issue 3 yrs ago when the students decided to claim it as their own day not the bars.

  18. I believe it was called " Kegs 'n Eggs" back in the day.

  19. For 59 years old, your pretty childish Larry. You really never grew up. You and Ed have a lot in common. It's pretty sad to see what you have become. The Sisters at St. Mikes would be ashamed.

  20. Nah, they taught respect and standing up for what's right. And most importantly, not to be a Cowardly Anon Nitwit .

  21. Dr. Ed (who is on the other side)March 8, 2014 at 3:49 PM

    i do not expect any major problems, seems like the town is ahead of the curve now.

    Famous last words....

  22. Who up for a wager? I say 7 arrests, 16 injuries

    It's not even dark yet and they are way above that body count.

  23. "Police and private security will try to be proactive and keep crowds from growing to the massive throng was saw at the Townhouse quad area last year. But that may not be all that easy or even legal since the constitution does guarantee the "freedom to assemble in public places."

    Townehouse is NOT a public place

  24. Unbelievable. You think education is expensive? Try ignorance. As exhibited so well in this blog.
