Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blarney Blowout: Another Eruption?

Blarney Blowout 2014 (3/8/2014)

From: Larry Kelley 
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:16:28 -0500 
To: UMass and Amherst town officials

Subject: Blarney Blowout FYI 

So just like last year around this time I'm now a getting a tidal way of hits over the past day or two from individuals doing a search using the term "Blarney Blowout 2014" or some variation on that theme. 

And no, it's not coming from some kid who posted a link to my latest Blarney Blowout diatribe on Reddit or Facebook. 

These are from individuals taking the time to enter the term into a search engine.

I'm talking somewhere in the range of 500 individual searches in the past 24 hours. That is a LOT. And NOT a good sign. 



Larry -

Thanks for your email, I have been watching the Blarney Blowout Twitter feed for a few days and have noticed an increase in activity so I am not surprised that you are seeing an increase in traffic as well.

A few weeks ago, we had a meeting with officials from the Town to discuss plans for this off-campus event.  UMass is doing a number of things, including preparing messages to students and their parents about the consequences of negative behavior off campus as well as targeted communications to students living in apartment complexes, especially in North Amherst.

We have also been sharing information about Blarney t-shirts which include our logo or the Minuteman with our Licensing Office, as these t-shirts may be in violation of licensing agreements.

I noticed that one of the Facebook pages has already been shut down.  In addition, our Dean of Students office is reaching out to the students involved in these entrepreneurial activities to inform them about the consequences of creating an environment that leads to incivility.

On the day of the event, the UMPD stands ready to help APD and will have officers dedicated to this effort.

The campus is being and will continue to be proactive in messaging about behavior and in shutting down inappropriate activities where we have the ability to do so.



Nancy Buffone
Executive Director, External Relations and University Events
 Blarney Blowout coverage more than doubled unique visitors last year



  1. In USA Today last week, Penn State is paying 30+ bars in State College $5000 each under the condition that they will not open until late afternoon that Saturday.

    Since we only have fewer that 10 bars in Amherst, maybe instead of funding a consultant on Town-Gown relations, the funds could be used to pay the bar owners and thus keep the money in Amherst.

  2. There are actually only 2 bars that attempt to keep the peace and sell tickets to keep the volume of people limited in the center of town actually wouldn't be half that number. Sounds like a great idea.

  3. I was at the dollar store today and one young lady purchased a bright green huge hat and a giant beer mug (more than a pint, although I suppose she could put iced tea in it). Her friends were giggling and purchasing similar things. They are prepared.

  4. Exactly what part of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act wouldn't be violated here? This is collusion to restrain trade, an agreement not to compete and not provide goods/services.

  5. Why does college kids having fun for a day bother you so much?

  6. Ed,

    You say the silliest things. Bars have the right to sell their business to the highest bidder. They're not required to do it, but they can choose to. Ever see a restaurant closed for a private party?

  7. Ed is a perfect example of an "educated fool": he appears to have absorbed reams of information, yet he hasn't the slightest clue how to apply it or synthesize it as knowledge, let alone wisdom. He's as proud of his doctorate as the scarecrow is of his degree, and he puts it to equally good use.

  8. The Amherst police probably cant stand you. They realize they work in a college town and Its one day a year. I guarantee you wouldn't even come close to any blarney celebrations if you didn't go looking for them.

  9. Dear esteemed Justices of the Supreme Court,

    I come before you today to argue about a gross violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. No, not the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger, or the American Airlines-US Airways merger, but a matter of much greater impact and importance. I couldn't get a beer for several hours on a Saturday at 2 bars in Amherst, MA!

  10. This is an awesome thread. Finally you stooges have a sense of humor!

  11. "Ed is a perfect example of an "educated fool": he appears to have absorbed reams of information, yet he hasn't the slightest clue how to apply it or synthesize it as knowledge, let alone wisdom. He's as proud of his doctorate as the scarecrow is of his degree, and he puts it to equally good use."

    Isn't this the definition of most Amherst residents?

  12. You can define people simply by virtue of where they reside?

    What kind of half-wit intellect are you?

    No need to dump on Ed. Just look in the mirror.
