Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bear With Me

The wrong end of a bear (not that there's a right end)

In the past week a 300 pound black bear has made stealth appearances in three separate neighborhoods in our little college town.  Last night it was Fearing Street, immediately adjacent to UMass.

Starting next weekend, Fearing Street becomes a superhighway of students on foot looking for late night entertainment.  Although a hungry black bear probably does not qualify.  

Photos by Al Wilbur, used with permission

The other wrong end of a bear

On Friday the big black bear shown in these pictures paid a visit to a bird feeder at a Bed & Breakfast on Northampton Road (Rt 9) one street over from Amity Street, where a bear fitting the same description ambled around the Amity Place Condos complex last week. 


  1. My neighbor on Eames Ave by the Middle School also reported bear scat this morning.

  2. Did you take those pics of the bear Larry?

  3. No, Al Wilbur owner of the B&B took them with a camera set up overnight.

    But it's high on my short list of things to do in the very near future (from a safe distance of course).

  4. He was over on Snell St a few days ago. Guess he doesn't mind crossing Rt 9

  5. A hungry bear looking for food.
    Students looking to party.
    Whatever can happen, will happen.

  6. No, but it is illegal.

  7. A hungry bear looking for food.
    Students looking to party.
    Cops in riot gear with pepperspray.

    Now what do we think is going to happen next?

  8. I'm allergic to bears can I give them my peanuts?

  9. A bear on Fearing St.! Based on your previous assessment of Paige Wilder getting your vote for ARA based on her residency on that street, she should run for Animal Control Office based on your assessment. No more bears on my street, g-d it!

  10. Hell hath no fury like that of a woman protecting her home. (Or a bear protecting her cubs.)

  11. I'm told that Bears LOVE Beer -- it isn't difficult to puncture an aluminum can with a tooth or claw, and after the first one, they'll usually drink the rest. And yes, they get drunk too...

  12. The start of a new series: "Party Animal of the Weekend."

  13. "Boys vs. Bear -- the Battle for the Beer..."
