Friday, February 7, 2014

You Can Always Go ... Downtown!

Follow Friday is a perfect day to check in on the goings on in beautiful downtown Amherst.  But you may not want to do it by car as the entire apron in front of Central Fire Station is a construction nightmare.

A coupling in the main water pipe broke so the DPW is in "all hands on deck" mode to get it fixed.

AFD has moved all personnel and the equipment (except for one Engine) up to North Station.  Which is fine getting to UMass next door, but not so hot getting to deep South Amherst.

UPDATE 8:00 PM  AFD "Back in quarters"

 Meanwhile directly across from the Central Station, Stacker's Pub is gearing up

Dead in the center of town (probably not delivering to Town Hall)


  1. You trying to make something out of nothing.

  2. Why do you hate Amherst?

  3. Perhaps Town Hall needs that beer to lighten it up a bit. What's the phrase "take the stick out of your a$$.

  4. Hmmmm..... dug up roads will impede the travel of cop cars.


  5. Larry, you finally lost what little you had. GET A LIFE!!!

  6. I'll always have a NAME (and not be afraid to use it).

  7. Actually it's the your's (sic) that I'm worried about.

    I'm not going to let my girls grow up in a town where disrespect -- fueled by too much alcohol -- is rampant.

    And if I have to cut into the profits of assholes like you, so be it.

    Lead, follow or get out of my way.

  8. Wrong yours, bonehead. Nobody picks on kids.

  9. Wow, honor among thieves. Who would have guessed.

  10. I'm not going to let my girls grow up in a town where disrespect -- fueled by too much alcohol -- is rampant.

    Larry, I trust you also will teach your girls to be respectable as well...

    And if I have to cut into the profits of assholes like you, so be it.

    In just sixteen words, you explain why the UMass students will always be a problem and why everything done in attempts to abate it has only managed to make things worse.

    Larry, these monsters aren't arriving as such -- they are the sons and daughters of people very much like you. They graduate high school very much like the young ladies that I presume your daughters will become when they do likewise.

    And then they come to UMass where they are dehumanized. There is no shortage of research on what happens next.

    And there are an an awful lot of aholes who are making an awful lot of money doing this.

  11. Larry's girls are already respectable. And he (and his wife) have taught them to be respectful. I know.

    UMass only dehumanizes those who let themselves take that path. Take a look at the 40 Somethings who are parents of this crop of college students. Are they the ones having road rage? Are they the ones working 60 hours a week to afford boats, summer homes, SUV's?

    And, some of us love Larry's "Townie" observations. We don't always agree with him, but it's nice he can let us know what's going on. He doesn't hate Amherst. He's just worried that the "good guys" will get run over by drunks.

  12. If you think that Larry hates Amherst, you really have not been paying attention.....or perhaps you've had too much to drink.

  13. Take a look at the 40 Somethings who are parents of this crop of college student

    Collectively, not a whole lot different than -- collectively == the parents of the students at ARHS.
