Saturday, February 8, 2014

Winterfest Fun

Maybe it was the subfreezing conditions, or a lack of major marketing, or just a normal 7th year slump -- but this year's attendence for Winterfest at the Cherry Hill Golf Course in far flung North Amherst definitely seemed a tad muted. 

Cardboard Classic race 

 Although, the hundreds who did brave the weather enjoyed the family oriented entertainment.

Final run of Cardboard Classic included a dog in the box

Carol Hepburn cooking hot dogs & burgers (yes, they had veggie burgers)

Winner of the very first Cardboard Classic 2008


  1. It definitely seemed like a smaller crowd this year. In fact it seemed like at times there were more volunteers than patrons. I did notice a larger UMASS crowd too than families as in years before. It's a fun event, perhaps a tad too cold this year or perhaps they didn't advertize it well enough or just a bad day of the week for some.

  2. You really should do some self-examination as to why you feel compelled to focus on the negative. It was a great event and our family had a wonderful time. We can't wait until next year.

  3. Can anyone go sledding at the golf course anytime?

  4. Thanks to all who came out. It was great and silly fun. Larry -- good to see you out there with the girls.

  5. Girls had fun. Jada said Carol should open her own vegetarian burger joint.

    Too bad the Black Hawks didn't use the golf course instead of UMass for their training exercise with AFD.

    That would have spiced things up a bit.

  6. Too bad the Black Hawks didn't use the golf course instead of UMass for their training exercise with AFD.

    Larry, two words: "Secure Perimeter."

    Think about it for a minute. And hen think about how far you'd want your girls to be away from possible flying debris in prop wash and the rest.

  7. Yeah Larry good question, just observing that I was perplexed as to why I didn't see as many people as in years past. Didn't help when the girl got on the mic and mentioned how few people were there, but that was early on. It filled up pretty well as the trolley returned each time. It's a great event each year, although I'd probably make the snow mound a bit more sloped at the bottom. When the kids hit the hard turn at the bottom it can really be damaging to their bodies. In fact some of the supplied sleds busted because of it. The food is great and priced well, the volunteers have wonderful smiles and make it a pleasure, and the music is fun. The contests are a hoot and nice to see that its dog friendly. Good job each year and we love attending it.

  8. Well I see that Michael Jackson is coming to the Mullins Center on March 5th & 6th. So what if he is dead.....

  9. I can't believe my eyes. An article highlighting an event at the golf course and Larry didn't lambaste the town over a zillion errs for owning it. Notice he didn't tag the post "Cherry Hill" or whatever, so that this generally positive article won't be returned when looking for that tag in his blog. Always reinforcing your storyline, aren't you LK?

  10. I think negatively and I immediately post those thoughts on this blog, therefore I am.

    If I don't, I'm not sure that I am.32
