Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sign Of The Times

The colorful  First Congregational Church new sign is now in full bloom on their front lawn that rolls gently down to Main Street. 

The Church first attempted to erect the sign back in the spring of 2012, but then the town gently reminded them they needed approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals (in spite of the Dover Amendment which gives a church or college carte blanche) and then, ironically enough, the new Dickinson Local Historic District Commission.

The Church had initially opposed formation of the DLHDC, which was approved by a two-thirds vote of Amherst Town Meeting May 21, 2012.

April, 2012


  1. A very nicely done addition to Main Street. About time. Leave it to Amherst to prevent both freedom of expression (flying flags) and freedom of Religion.

  2. At least it is truth in advertising -- I can't help but wonder what the people who founded that church must think of the rainbow...

    And no, not everyone is welcome there -- I went ONCE and realized that I very much wasn't welcome.

  3. Everyone should have the freedom to worship the way they want. Great to know that there are many ways to enjoy your religion and if one building doesn't work, there is always another place. A house of worship is only a building. It's the relationship you have, not the building you belong to.

  4. I don't consider them Christians.
