Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Internet Marketing

The Internet has changed everything -- just ask a video store clerk or ink stained newspaper reporter -- but most would argue it has changed things for the better, especially with mass communication.

Internet petition sites make it cookie-cutter simple to promote a cause, and crowd funding sites make it simple for entrepreneurs to raise money for their projects.  The recent success of Food For Thought Books raising over $40,000 is a shining example.  Although "Homeless In A College Town" did not fare quite as well, raising only $7,511 out of a $20,000 goal.

And for a while there we had dueling petition on MoveOn.org over the controversial nut ban at Amherst Regional Public Schools.  The petition opposing the ban has since been deleted but probably had around 100 signatures prior to termination and the supporting petition now has 172 signatures but no activity since well before Christmas.

And the majority of signatures are from outside over enlightened Amherst.

Cinda Jones petition to entice South Amherst's Atkins Farms Country Market garnered over 350 signatures promising undying loyalty to a satellite operation at the new Trolley Barn in North Amherst.
 Trolley Barn, North Amherst

All to no avail as Pauline Lannon, Atkins co-owner recently responded to the public suggestion box saying "We need to put our energy and resources into this store."

Atkins Farms Country Market, South Amherst

Twitter is a great resource for instant news all of the time, although broadcasting is so simple it sometimes gets folks in trouble.

Last week the bricks and mortar media (who should know better) made an issue of Northampton Mayor Narkewicz tweeting positive things about potential jury duty service as he was reporting for potential jury service (but before the judge said the shut off your damn smart phones) and again after he -- like a lot of potential jurors -- was dismissed from duty.

Mark Whipple has yet to be introduced as the new UMass football head coach and already his Twitter account has over 650 followers, compared to Chancellor Subbaswamy, who has 938 followers, but has been on Twitter for over a year.

Folks in Amherst hope he has lots of positive things to tweet in the near future.

Update 2:40 PM.  Coach Whipple now has over 1,150 followers


  1. Let me see if I get this straight -- they paid how much to fire him?

    And now they've hired him again -- and he actually agreed to come back?

    And how much did THAT cost us???

    And why was he fired?

  2. 0
    He was offered to be the quarterback coach for the Steelers. That's how he got a Superbowl ring. You Should Kiss The Ring!

  3. A petition is a request. In the case of Atkins, the answer was no.

  4. Anon 11:36 am: You are confused. Whipple was not fired in 2003, but quit to take the NFL job. Molnar was fired, and someone (apparently alumni) paid around $800K to buy out his contract.

  5. Awww... it's so cute when Larry tries to discuss national (or even state) issues. You keep on keeping on, you intrepid townie, you!

  6. Even cuter when a CAN who comes here daily disses the quality of my discourse.

  7. How would know if I came here "every day?" And while I do, it's partly for keeping my fingers to the pulse of Amherst and partly because you're an easy target.

  8. larry knows who you are, Ed taught him. Pay attention will ya'...

  9. What is the point of this post? That the Internet exists? Yes, it's amazing. Now move along.

  10. I believe that the comment and response sections of internet mass communication is the area we need to improve in. I was looking last night at "The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation" which was "transcribed by George Washington, the original rules have been attributed to a 16th-century French etiquette-manual." (wiki) Of course the communication technology they were addressing was face to face conversation, but it's uncanny how some of the 110 rules that were formalized over 400 years ago could be useful for us to keep in mind today in online communication. For example:

    1st Every Action done in Company, ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those that are Present.

    25th Do not laugh too loud or too much at any Publick Spectacle.

    41st Undertake not to Teach your equal in the art himself Proffesses; it Savours of arrogancy.

    48th Wherein you reprove Another be unblameable yourself; for example is more prevalent than Precepts.

    50th Be not hasty to beleive flying Reports to the Disparagement of any.

    79th Be not apt to relate News if you know not the truth thereof. In Discoursing of things you Have heard Name not your Author always A Secret Discover not.

    88th Be not tedious in Discourse, make not many Digressigns, nor repeat often the Same manner of Discourse.

    110th Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Celestial fire Called Conscience.

  11. Wholeheartedly agreed (he said with all due respect.)

  12. What rule says, get real Kurt? People only care about themselves nowadays. If you haven't noticed the world around you, all you see is me,me,me, and only what I need. Courtesy went out the window with family values and respect for others.

  13. George Washington also cried at his inauguration and they couldn't get him to come out of a room in Federal Hall to make his speech. He never wanted to be president. Everyone else pushed him to do it because he was liked and no one wanted the job, sort of the Jimmy Carter of his time. In reality he was lousy general who only by acts of God escaped capture over and over during his time. Many don't know a little tidbit about him... he was an egg freak who ate 2 dozen eggs a day according to his expense account.

  14. I'd love to know how many people simply wish that all of the athletics dept would simply disappear like fog from melting snow.

    UMass is supposed to be an educational institution, not an athletic one.
