Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hit The Road

Gottago Taxi packing them in

The Amherst Select Board on Monday night will consider a "Recommendation to NOT approve a taxi license -- GottaGo taxi."  But fear not, 15 minutes later they will vote on a "New Taxi Business License Application:  Funky Cab."

So the net number of taxi cab companies licensed to do business in the town of Amherst will in all likelihood remain the same (9). 

The Selectboard renewed all the taxi licenses back in December, but that was "subject to outstanding documentation" including the positive recommendation of Police Chief Scott Livingstone.  GottaGo Taxi was the only company he did not recommend.

The Chief's memo will appear in the Selectboard packet tomorrow, but until then this incident should provide a little background.  The owner will have the right to respond to the Chief's recommendation  (or lack thereof) at the Monday night Select Board meeting.

He may not want to drive one of his cabs to the meeting.


  1. It's one thing to fail an inspection for a weak catalytic system which many cabs fail because of, but anther for blatant safety violations like missing lugs. There is always someone waiting to take the position. Take their permit away if they don't want to play fair or is it fare. :)

  2. Theyre still operating. I saw them picking up fares on So. Pleasant St today

  3. Yes, their license was renewed back in December along with all the others, but one stipulation is they need the okay from Chief Livingstone, which they do not have.

    So I guess the SB agenda item should read, "Vote to pull license."
