Monday, December 30, 2013

In The Line Of Duty

It really doesn't matter if officer Dmitry Makovkin knew he was going to die, whether he consciously embraced 22 pounds of high explosives to muffle the deadly blast, or he was simply acting instinctively to subdue a suspicious perp. 

The fact remains his selfless split-second actions saved countless lives, almost all of them innocent civilians.  At the ultimate price of his own life, cut w-a-y too short at age 29.

I always thought the police motto "To protect and to serve" was an American thing.  Not any more. 


  1. a hero for sure---it's just unfortunate however that it's a lot easier to find incidents of police corruption and criminal behavior that occurs on a daily basis, than it is to find acts of heroism. and russia is overrun with police corruption:

    "According to a poll conducted in early 2010, 15% of Russians reported to have paid a bribe in the past 12 months.[4] The overall amount of bribes in the Russian economy during the last decade skyrocketed from $33 billion to more than $400 billion per year in Putin's government, according to Georgy Satarov, former aide to Boris Yeltsin."

    and that's just bribery, doesn't include far more heinous crimes (for example many cops were involved in the major child sex trafficking ring recently busted in canada.)

    why don't you ever shine your light on corrupt cops? you only glorify them, and the things and people you choose to report on seem small compared to some of these issues.

    for example when a cop at umass raped a minor, you didn't say a word.

  2. Feel free to start your own "I hate cops" blog.@

  3. if i hated cops i would, but i don't. that's like saying you hate teachers because you reported on the teacher who was found in possession of child pornography. or that you hate town managers and select board members.

  4. Ed, could you help me out here, please?

  5. Ed's busy cleaning his guns...

    Former UMASs officer, 49-year-old George Colon of West Springfield was arrested Thursday night on a warrant, charging him with two counts of open and gross lewdness, rape of a child, sodomy, and enticing a child under the age 16. Colon was arrested at his home with the assistance of his UMass Police supervisor and another officer.
    West Springfield detectives say his disturbing crimes date back at least two years. They involve his girlfriend’s daughter and her 12 year old friend.

  6. Anon 5:27 PM (key word being "Anon").

    If you don't like what I chose to shine a light on, or how I chose my words, or pictures, or videos, then feel free to stop coming here.

    You will not be missed. Honestly.

  7. I didn't say I don't like what you choose to shine a light on, I just wondered why cops are exempt from your light. If it was the chancellor or the football coach or a school employee who raped a 12 year old i think you would have been all over it. I just was wondering why. geez, very defensive.

  8. In that particular story first I knew about it was when I read it in four or five different media outlets simultaneously, so my theory is a press release was sent out (but not to me).

    I don't do "me too, me too" stories. If I can't break a story or bring a different perspective to it, then I don't do it.

    And in that particular story, unlike the UMass gang rape story, I did not break it; and there really was no different perspective to add.

  9. Are there people with attention deficit disorders coming here? Asking why Larry is not "shining his light" on whatever is on their mind at that moment?

    Like the terrible plight of the dung beetle?

    It's his blog, for God's sake!

  10. Ever read A Prayer for Owen Meany?

  11. "Ed's busy cleaning his guns..."

    No, actually, Ed was trying to figure out how the $%#$# Chevy expected me to route the #1 & #3 spark plug wires. Cleaning a firearm is downright easy compared to working on a late model Govt Motors car -- I'm not surprised they went bankrupt.

    Replacing plugs & wires used to be a simple job -- it still is on a Toyota Corolla....

    And Walter, it is you who appear to have a fixation with guns and the perpetration of mass homicide. It's you who keep mentioning it, not I.

    And don't you have a minor child in residence? I'm a "mandated reporter" (Chapter 51A) and I'll make no secret of the fact that your fixations are starting to concern me professionally.

  12. As to the Olympics in Russia -- that's gonna get downright nasty. You'll notice that Obama is not going -- that alone tells me volumes...
