Monday, December 16, 2013

How The Grinch Stole A Christmas Tree

 Amherst Boy Scouts Kendrick Park Christmas Tree oasis

Another less heartwarming Amherst tradition coinciding with the Boy Scout Christmas Tree Sale in Kendrick Park -- also dating back 50 years -- is the tradition of nitwit college aged youth trying to steal one of their Christmas trees.  And getting caught.

The Judge usually fines them $100 each with the fine money going to the Boy Scouts; so in this case, $400 for the attempted theft of one $40/tree.


  1. "Another less heartwarming Amherst tradition coinciding with the Boy Scout Christmas Tree Sale in Kendrick Park"

    Oh, it's very heartwarming. Gives me a good laugh every year.

  2. You would think in this day and age of social media, the word would get out.

  3. As an Eagle Scout, I have a real problem with this.

    Have a loud party, which is not intentionally malicious and you each get a $300 fine and are arrested.

    By contrast, stealing a tree from the Boy Scouts is malicious, it's one of those "Thou Shalt Not" things. You know it ain't yours -- and isn't like they left a couple 20's and a note where the kids would find it in the morning.

    It appears that the APD had these perps "dead to rights" -- a witness seeing them taking it, an officer seeing them carrying it and then seeing them drop it.

    Why is the fine for this only a third of what it would have been for a party that got louder than intended? Why weren't they arrested?

    I argue that mens rea ought to apply here -- these perps did something knowing that it was wrong. Those having a party (which itself isn't illegal) may not have intended to violate the noise ordinance, even though they wound up doing so.

    Shouldn't these perps be fined AT LEAST AS MUCH?!?!?!?!?

  4. On the other hand, maybe they smoked too much pot as teenagers. There is this interesting tidbit:

    "The study also shows the marijuana-related brain abnormalities are correlated with a poor working memory performance and look similar to schizophrenia-related brain abnormalities."


  5. I think a 100 hours community service pick up garbage on the high way would be a good one!

  6. This is a puff piece, Larry. Keep to the hard stuff like flags and sunsets.

  7. This is news to me Larry, so please clarify. Is this done with the knowledge of the perps that they will be caught and fined, thereby simply perpetuating a tradition, and in effect simply donating to the Boy Scouts? If not, why is the point? Thanks, Richard Marsh.

  8. Define "exposing." Is it your goal to find out who we/I am? if so, this is my last post. The last thing I need is a creep like you tailing me.

    BTW, without us CANs, your site is basically you, Walter, Ed, Richard and a couple other random dudes railing against society - we anons bring the controversy and interest to this... whatever it is.

  9. Consider yourself exposed.

    Congratulations, CAN.

  10. CAN't we just get Wally and ED some help or something? They're both so bitter and alone, you can hear it in their never ending cries for HELP.

  11. "The study also shows the marijuana-related brain abnormalities are correlated with a poor working memory performance and look similar to schizophrenia-related brain abnormalities."

    Sorry phd Ed:
