Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another Joins The SB Race

Amherst Planning Board 6/5/13 Connie Kruger center 

In case you were wondering who would garner the second vote among first-Selectboard-candidate-out-of-the-gate Andy Steinberg supporters, the answer fell like snow from the heavens this afternoon: Current Planning Board member (and former town employee) Connie Kruger.

 Even better to balance the ticket, since she's a she.


  1. What amazingly fabulous news!

  2. Yay, I have known Connie for years and have always been impressed by her smarts and common sense. I am so glad she is running.

  3. She's a big advocate for low income housing.

  4. Anyone is better that the 2 that are leaving!! Good news!!

  5. Connie should be a good choice for Amherst. I heard rumor that Andy Churchill was going to run. Do you know if he pulled papers Larry.

  6. Why don't you run Larry? You have a strong following, and are very opinionated, pro public safety, and are for the US Flags. Your different thoughts on town projects, and the direction the town is going.. instead of commenting about the pros and cons of decisions, why don't you run for a seat on the board and try to make a difference!?

  7. You don't think I currently make a difference?
