Monday, November 18, 2013

Slasher Weekend

 A 15" double-edged blade can ruin your entire evening

Maybe it was the full moon, or the unseasonably warm weather or -- more likely -- too much alcohol, as this past weekend turned a tad violent with Amherst Police Department (and AFD) dealing with two separate dangerous weapon assaults.

The Pine Street incident early Saturday morning where a UMass student was stabbed multiple times by Noah Kelly Pfister, 24, who was arrested when he turned himself in at APD headquarters this afternoon.

And on Sunday a little after 10:00 PM at Village Park Apartments, adjacent to UMass, a couple of gentlemen got into a disagreement and one, Russell St. Andre, age 50, used a sword cane to settle it.

He must have grown up on James Bond movies.


  1. Weird. Violence on an uptick. Police figure em out & make arrests. No wonder the town won't give em money, resources or more cops. They do the same to the FD. As long as they get the jobs done the town don't care..... Shocking that the turn over rate is so damn high. We keep losing good cops & firemen to other agencies. Same pay for less will cost someone their lives.. As long is it isn't a selectman I guess it's no big deal.

  2. Someone from Camden, ME stabs someone from Washington, DC. This has "drug related" written all over it....

  3. Should have been settled by dueling with Ninja Stars at 50 paces.

  4. The benefits of subsidized housing, just what this town needs. Let's subsidize the poor single mothers and their multiple unemployed boyfriends, this will show what fine people we really are. As long it isn't in my back yard. If you know what I mean.....

  5. Amherst is about 300 miles from Camden (ME) and the divided highway ends in Brunswick -- beyond that there are a lot of bottlenecks like Downtown Amherst. It's a long, tiring drive -- I've done it.

    So your boyfriend comes down from Camden to visit you for the weekend -- and you go to a party at your "former boyfriend's house."


    At the very least, I would say that the young lady exercised some incredibly poor judgment.

    Worse, I have to ask if she was deliberately attempting to provoke a violent altercation between the two men. I've seen so many young women do this that I have to ask if this was the case in this situation as well.

    And if she did, I have to then ask if she should be charged as an accessory to the crime.

  6. Unfortunately women have special rights in today's world. They can claim rape, victimization, child abuse and a dozen other things and no one questions them, their story or their integrity.

    Look at a case this week in NYC. A guy meets a girl walking at 3am on a NY city street. She decides to walk with him. Surveillance cameras show her walking with this stranger arm-in-arm. She decides to walk to a deserted area in Central part at 4am so they can "hang-out" on a park bench. Next thing you know she claims she was raped.

    The golden uterus carries much power in today's court system and no one ever asks for accountability. Part of how feminism took a wrong turn some years ago.

  7. Why do you hate women so much, Ed? It's clear you do - you have such a low opinion of them.

  8. Dr. Ed, Just how many reasonable inferences can you make from oh so little information?

    A person who doesn't know what he doesn't know really ends up detracting from any debate, discussion, or conversation.

    What you are engaged in, when it's all said and done, is gossip and dime-store psychology.

  9. Dr. Ed, Just how many reasonable inferences can you make from oh so little information?

    How many more facts would one need to know beyond that she and her current boyfriend went to a party in the home of her former boyfriend?

    Work out any combination of that and you can see it not being a good idea.

    WHATEVER happened and why, it wouldn't have if current boyfriend and former boyfriend hadn't been in the same place at the same time, are you disputing that fact?

    And if you consider women to be the equal of men -- and not helpless child-like beings as they are considered in Saudi Arabia, then the flip side of that is that they have to be held to the same standards that men are.
