Friday, November 29, 2013

Occupy Walmart

 Hadley Walmart under siege (sort of)

In addition to the usual bevy of shoppers coming and going at the Mall this Black Friday, the Walmart in Hadley also has a gaggle of protesters occupying a high profile location near their front doors and the subsidiary police presence (looks like the entire Hadley force) and mainstream media.

And what is the cost of "justice"?

Heeding the words of President Calvin Coolidge, "The chief business of the American people is business," most shoppers stopped for a moment to survey the scene or listen to the speakers, then quickly headed into the store.

Walmart employee tells crowd she makes $10/hr after 5 years 

If they gave a demonstration and the media didn't show up it does not make a sound

Walmart fights big hit on Twitter


  1. A nice cause but no one cares. Too many people need work and too many animals will kill each other to get a crappy Chinese made piece of junk because they are told its a "deal". Walmart sells junk for the most part. I have yet to ever buy anything there that didn't break.

  2. As a former retail manager, Black Friday can faulted to companies greed. But honestly customers provide that greed. The allure of "deals" that are honestly not that great and media hype make it a perfect mix of disaster. There is nothing quite more I dreaded than being ripped away from my family to listen to confused/upset/never pleasant individuals for upwards of twelve breakless hours. This is why Massachusetts should keep its blue laws intact for Thanksgiving and other major holidays.

    And Walter hit it on the head, China lacks quality in terms of goods and governance.

  3. "The allure of "deals" that are honestly not that great and media hype make it a perfect mix of disaster. "

    Black Friday deals are mostly a hoax.

  4. Takes an awful lot of skill to be in retail. Right up there with washing dishes and pumping gas. How much are these jobs really worth, not what these people with no skills or education think their worth? Or would you like fries with that?

  5. Say what you want, that protest was on WALMART property and UMass would have simply arrested the protesters. WalMart didn't -- and I credit them for that.

  6. That's because in actuality the more publicity Walmart gets good or bad the more people shop there. Yes a strange conundrum but that's how the monkey mentality goes.

    Next week 100 McDonalds are scheduled for protest. And sales at those stores will be up too.

  7. Juggernaut -- if you are who I think you are, be very careful saying things like you do above -- the mASSgop doesn't like such opinions...

  8. I didn't go to Walmart to support these people. The point is they are working. I would imagine most would qualify for Transitional Assistance but choose to work rather than live off the dole. I'm surprised how many of you are attacking them for doing what they can. If it weren't for retail workers where would you buy anything? Who would be there to put up with your entitled attitude?

  9. Who says they "remembered" to tell their caseworkers that they are working???

    It is rather common for folks to "forget" to do this -- or worse, my personal favorite is the guy who was a commercial trucker hauling produce into the Chelsea market but had "no income" because he donated it all to the Buddhist Temple -- he and another individual with "no income" built a house out on Metacomet Road in Belchertown -- a nice house -- which we are now paying him to rent to himself!

    I'm not making this up....
