Thursday, November 21, 2013

Graphic Update

 Attack occurred just north of UMass Campus Center

I have never posted a warning about public documents published over the past twenty years, so this will be a first: The "Statement of Facts" filed (over a month after the incident) in Eastern Hampshire District Court by UMPD in the UMass alleged rape that occurred on September 2 -- although it was hushed up for almost two months -- is both graphic and depressing.

Be forewarned

Patrick Durocher is expected to be indicted for the crime of rape and his case will then be bumped from Eastern Hampshire District Court up to Superior Court. 


  1. What a world we live in… and this is what women have to look forward to, no matter how old, how much money, self respect, or intelligence they may have. There are human predators out there, everywhere. Someone please tell me why this animal should ever see the light of day again… but he will. Richard Marsh

  2. 5'06 and 130 lbs....
    It is the little men who are dangerous -- I've always maintained that.

    A big important point here is that bystanders came to her assistance. Not only did they call the police but they stopped this, they "sheltered" her, and someone took a picture of the perp without his pants on. That's going to be a priceless piece of evidence at trial, isn't it?

    Were they male bystanders, female bystanders, or a combination of both as it is a plural reference to "bystanders." It is statistically likely that at least some of them were male, and that's worth saying if it is true.

    Notwithstanding that, the simple fact is that the number of good people outnumbered the number of bad ones. One perp -- and a plural number of Good Samaritans -- who *also* are probably UM students too. Larry, that point needs to be made -- "bystanders came to her assistance."

    I hope that her statement wasn't coaxed -- I know it is done, I've had women tell me that -- and if she doesn't remember people coming to her rescue and was "fading in and out of consciousness" in the ambulance -- well I'm hoping that Lisa Kidwell wasn't involved in writing this report because the problems of a different report she wrote are nationally known.

  3. LK, this is a mistake. Have some class. You are taking the FOIA too far on this one. What happens is she recants? If she refuses to testify? If there was subterfuge afoot? These types of crimes are best left alone until adjudication. Once convicted, slam away.

  4. The document does not expose her name. If she is shaken by this post, how is she ever going to handle facing her attacker in open court?

  5. Why don't you leave that process up to the judicial system and not use it for fodder to stir up the masses? Its more than evident that you will print whatever suits you to ger more "hits" irrespective of the truth of the matter. THIS is exactly whet the rape shield laws were intended to prevent, continual victimization at the hands of the system. Let her have her day in court then report all and sout from the hilltops until you are blue in the face...

  6. It's a public document, otherwise the Court would not have given it to me (at $1 per page).

    What is it about the word PUBLIC you don't get?

  7. Just because you "can" does not necessarily mean that you "should". A true test of character is how you show discretion. No wonder the local PDs kicked you out leaving you to site unnamed "sources" in some of your posts. These unofficial sources shall be your demise as shall your clear lack of judgment.

    Too many times you imply either directly, or indirectly, of impropriety on the behalf of the University or involved investigating offices. “Hushed up”? What a huge erroneous assumption you make, yet again. Your crusade blurs your vision. Please stick to what you know and refrain from using conjecture at every turn to further you hypotheses. It is far better to support your arguments with fact, which you do at times although all too seldom.

    If you fail to see that posting the complaint and probable cause statement in a case such as this is just plain wrong, then there is no hope for you. You CAN but you SHOULD NOT. I wish you the best but if this is what your blog is turing into I shall no longer visit.

  8. Don't let the cyber door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    I just love it when an Anon lectures me about proper ways to "site" (Sic) sources.

  9. Anon 5:54… you're getting a little hysterical over a bunch of hypotheticals. Larry posted a police report, a statement of facts. It affects no one, (except apparently you), as there is no one identified. Please explain how you come to the rationalization that this victimizes the woman further. What this does do is keep people aware of what is going on at Umass, and let them know that the school is sweeping serious public safety issues under the rug… the host community has the right to know, the parents of students have the right to know. Apparently you support Umass in their endeavors to conceal the ugly truth about what happened there, who does that serve? Richard Marsh

  10. He could be one of the kids UMass (allegedly) hired to take me on.

    If so, they should ask for our taxpayer money back.

  11. the host community has the right to know, the parents of students have the right to know.

    Mr. Marsh, I really would like an answer on this one -- do we REALLY have a "right to know" the name of everyone accused (not convicted) of a crime? If so, why can't grand jurors just sell their stories to the local newspapers? Why is that wrong?

    We have a "right to know" don't we?

    How is anything benefited by us knowing the alleged perp's name? Please explain....

  12. He could be one of the kids UMass (allegedly) hired to take me on

    Larry -- honestly -- you can't find out if they did or didn't hire kids to do this? Can you say "payroll information is public record?"

    I kinda thought you could say that.... Geeeze.....

  13. People have the right to know the name of the accused through the whole adjudication. Plain and simple, it is public record. There are a million good reasons that this is law. For instance, grammar school principle arrested for driving around trying to entice children into his car… people have a right to know what is going on in their world. The police report or newspaper notice doesn't say he's guilty, just that he was arrested, and the surrounding circumstances. I'm not sure what your issue is with this. Would you have the whole system secret? Richard Marsh

  14. Would you have the whole system secret? Richard Marsh

    I'd either publish the names of both adults (the accuser and the accused) or neither. Children are minors and that is different, but for all the reasons why I don't think we should publish the names of rape victims -- alleged rape victims -- I don't think we should publish the names of alleged rapists either.

    Exactly what office does the falsely accused person go to get his reputation back?

    Do you have an answer to this Mr. Marsh??????

  15. How often is a person falsely accused in the whole scheme of things? Does it happen? Of course, but you want to cloak the whole system in secrecy for that one in a million occurrence? Should we lock the doors of the court rooms too, and not allow the public to witness their own system of justice at work? If a person is falsely accused, and the truth comes out… his reputation is restored. We should not dismantle the whole system to appease the few who are worried about what somebody who is close minded enough to assume guilt after a false charge is proved as such. Also, why would you insist on identifying the accuser? Obviously, if it was proved to be a false accusation she would be identified, and hopefully charged, but until then…why? I'm not sure why you are not seeing what a draconian and regressive change you are advocating. Richard Marsh

  16. Mr. Marsh, you have convinced me of one thing -- the only recourse for one falsely accused is mutual destruction -- to destroy the institutional reputations of the entities that made the false accusations. The Count of Monte Cristo approach.

    Actually, the Mutual Assured Destruction approach -- instituted.

    So be it.

    I wish it wasn't. Amherst, R.I.P.

  17. They sure did a great job in hiding his social security number
