Monday, November 11, 2013

Amherst Honors The Deserving

Amherst American Legion Post 148 and Amherst VFW Post 754 Color Guard

In one of the best turnouts in many years over 50 people braved the brisk weather to assemble in town center this morning on the 11th month of the 11th day at the 11th hour to honor and remember those who put their lives on the line defending our cherished freedoms.

 Crowd included town officials, aging veterans and families

Veterans Agent Steven Connor said it best, almost as an aside:  "If you see a veteran today, thank them for the their service."  Or on any day.

Veterans Agent Steven Connor right, Town Manager John Musante left (cute kid background)

Ageless WW2 veteran Arthur Quinton recites "In Flanders Fields"  (from memory)

Main town flag was at half staff, then raised briskly back to the top of the pole


  1. It was a lovely ceremony. Steve did a great job today.
    Thank you to all the veterans who turned out today, and those who weren't able to be there.

  2. Nice finally a full size flag!

  3. Yes, but when it was down so low (I briefly held it) I couldn't help but notice it's getting frayed.
