Wednesday, October 9, 2013


 290 West Street (Tuesday morning)

Those of you who drive to or by Crocker Farm school may have noticed a DPW crew doing work at the entrance to the school yesterday morning.  The town was reclaiming the public way borrowed by an absentee landlord for tenant parking.

When the Gralinski's owned 290 West Street (as they did since 1952) Esther used to operated the farm stand selling vegetables, and the public way was borrowed to create a turn out for the convenience of drive-thru customers.

When the family sold the estate in 2008 to carpetbagger, err, developer You-Pan Tzeng he immediately petitioned  the Zoning Board for a Special Permit to turn the one-family home into a two-family home with a new addition,  thus increasing the occupancy to eight unrelated individuals. 

Thus increasing the need for parking spaces.  But the tenants of Mr. Tzeng will now have to find another plot for parking.

Using town property for personal parking gain is kind of like expecting the Police or Fire Department to act as babysitters for rowdy tenants.  Yes, the town is getting territorial about that as well.

 290 West Street (this morning)


  1. Planting trees under power lines. Brilliant. I realize the trees are supposed to help camouflauge the lines, but when they get bigger the trimmers will slaughter them. Move them back ten feet.

  2. Is there any way to harness the deep reserve of expertise that sits at its computer making snarky comments on this blog about those who are actually out there accomplishing things?

  3. wouldn't that defeat the purpose of their goal?

  4. No problem. It's on my daily route.

  5. Larry, if you read the special permit you will see that the town required the owner to put in 8 parking places, so there is no problem there. I see this as an improvement to the property and neighborhood. As you have reported, the DPW is planting trees all around town The house directly across the street used this parking area for their overflow, you should look up the stats on that house, it's a rental with a 2 car residential driveway and lots more people than that.

  6. I am assuming they will just park in the school lot next door.

  7. Nah, that school lot is pretty busy during drop off and pick up.

  8. They have plenty of room to park on the property, down the driveway and in back. In the past the cars belonged to the house across the street. It looks so much nicer now, good job!
