Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oh Say Can You See (Or Not)

More like a postage stamp

UPDATE:  Two hours after publication a new -- slightly larger flag -- replaced the postage stamp one.
Anyone remember last month when town officials were quick to use the "BIG-American-flag-on-town-common-flies-24/7" excuse to justify their inexcusable position to ban the extra commemorative flags on 9/11?

Let's hope the BIG flag is back by Saturday, for the AFD open house.  If not, how about flying the commemorative ones?

Meanwhile, last week at Fort McHenry:

"A flag so large that the British would have no difficulty seeing it from a distance."

Photo by Lauri Hittner Finch


  1. Is that an American flag up there.I can barely see it. Wasn't it big at one time? Larry, are you sure you didn't use some sort of trickery like you did to make all those beer cans and trash appear on those folks driveway in that other photo you took a while back. :)

  2. We'll that was the view as of this morning. But Alan Snow just showed up and swaped out the postage stamp flag for a slightly bigger one (and since it's brand new, a whole lot brighter).

  3. Big flags are far too festive Larry. Amherst would be better off with a nice hammer/sickle socialist flag, but a small one that isn't too festive.

  4. Oh say can you see......:-)

  5. What is your problem, Wally? So glad I did not have to see you last night at Open House. After reading your comments here I don't know if I can keep a straight face when I see you now.

  6. Chimps, chumps and Ponziville pyramidersOctober 3, 2013 at 4:46 PM

    "What is your problem, Wally? So glad I did not have to see you last night at Open House. After reading your comments here I don't know if I can keep a straight face when I see you now."

    This should help you keep your face straight, granny.

    Now, may I offer you a delicious banana?

  7. What do you expect? Amherst progressives have spent half a century telling themselves and any kids who fall into their clutches that America is evil. Displaying the flag makes them profoundly uncomfortable.

  8. Your obsessive preoccupation with the flag ought to make you a bit "uncomfortable"

    You weak claim that any criticism of your quite cartoonish " patriotism" is "hate" is just the posture of someone who lacks either or both the character and intelligence to embrace complexity

  9. " just the posture of someone who lacks either or both the character and intelligence to embrace complexity."

    But that's just the kinda man you love the most, innit, granny?

    Now, can you say:

    "Incubated in Ponziville,

    infecting the planet"?

    (Ohhhhh yeeeeeah, I ~knew~ you could!)
