Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hampshire Hijinks (College That Is)

AFD crew heading toward Hampshire Dining Commons for an  ETOH female 12:20 AM

One of those damn Republicans must have culturally appropriated Wiccan abilities and placed a curse on Hampshire College this past weekend:

On Friday the negative press just started circulating on social media over the idiotic cancelling of Shokazoba because they were "too white" to play African music at their "Hampshire Halloween' event.

And then that festival ended up requiring SIX (6) transports by AFD for drug/alcohol related incidents!

Which of course was simply a prelude to Sunday afternoon -- what could easily have been the mother of all disasters, a major structure fire.  As happened in Hadley a few hours later.

You have to wonder what they teach at Hampshire these days when a student thinks it's okay to dry a sweater in a microwave oven.

Sprinklers and AFD combined for a quick stop

And then leaves it smouldering on a wooden porch.  Yikes!

Start at the bottom and read up (response to ambulance photo tweet)


  1. Lsrry, in addition to the six physically on campus, I would give serous thought to including eight more -- the seven at Planet UMass and one in town -- as the Hampsters could bring their friends, and UMass was given 150 tickets to sell to UM kids for $20 each.

    And what is with all these "seizures"? These are young, supposedly healthy people who largely ought not be needing medical attention for "seizures" -- one would think....

    (Now if these are alcohol and/or drug related, ought that not be noted? Likewise, if they are not that ought to be noted -- if AFD is expecting these statistics to have any validity, they really need to worry about consistency.)

  2. Ignore the dear doctor, ignore him.

  3. Hampshire's a private institution, they can decide who they want to play at their events, and give a reason also.

  4. That is not very PC Mr McBride, this is Amherst after all.

  5. Tom -- the US Supreme Court would beg to differ with ou. Katzenbach v. McC.ung -- although I doubt I have either name spelled correctly. The Ollie's Diner" case.

  6. That "Renata Quimby" character is the same young woman who hurled the ugly anti-Semitic and "passing" insults at the minorities in Shokazoba. She pretty much started the whole thing. Her college must love her!
