Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fireground: University Drive

 AFD laying hose

The Amherst Fire Department responded early this morning to a small fire at the Golden Booty Tanning Salon on University Drive.  The call came in at 1:37 AM as an automated smoke alarm but when an Amherst police officer first on the scene reported seeing and smelling smoke, a box alarm was struck, automatically summoning all off duty personnel.

Fortunately the building has a sprinkler system and it extinguished the utility room fire before it could do serious damage.

At the time of the initial alarm 10 of the 13 on-duty firefighters were occupied staffing all 5 ambulances engaged in runs to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital, most of them for intoxicated "college aged youth."

Western Mass Electric was called in to shut off power to the business and the State Fire Marshall's Office has been called in to investigate.


  1. Wow your fast! I'm impressed!

  2. "Golden Booty"? Is this another Peter Earle project?

  3. No, the adjoining business "Fit Women" is however.

    (Yeah that would have been quite the coincidence.)

  4. But if there hadn't been a sprinkler system and it had spread....

  5. Fit women? That's Pete's new gym? Interesting. I wish him well. He's a good guy. I had a lot of fun working for Pete!
