Friday, September 20, 2013

Unintended Consequences?

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life Enku Gelaye

As we head into the fair weather weekend, in anticipation of rowdy behavior, UMass disciplinarian Enku Galaye sent out a friendly email reminder to students to be on their, um, best behavior.

After all, off campus students are ambassadors for our flagship of higher education in the state.

Can't hurt for sure.  But there are always those who are not overly receptive ...


  1. What was the full text of the email?

  2. What an A hole. Richard Marsh.

  3. Nonpartying GradstudentSeptember 20, 2013 at 10:31 PM

    Here's the full text of that email. (Subject line: "Enjoy the weekend, act responsibly")

    Dear Student:

    Beautiful autumn weather encourages opportunities to gather and
    socialize. This weekend, as you enjoy autumn in Amherst, please remember
    that you are a representative of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    Your actions shape the reputation of the institution, and by extension,
    the value of your degree.

    While the vast majority of UMass Amherst students act responsibly every
    day – both on campus and in the surrounding communities – for those
    students who violate the University Code of Student Conduct or the Town
    of Amherst By-Laws, the consequences are significant and can be lasting.

    Earning your degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst is one
    of the biggest investments of your life, both intellectually and
    financially. Protect your investment and encourage your friends to do the
    same. Enjoy autumn in Amherst responsibly. Don’t fuel incidents that
    degrade the value of your degree and may lead to significant and lasting

    Thank you,

    Enku Gelaye
    Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life

    Students who are found in violation of the University Code of Student
    Conduct face the following possible

    1. Disciplinary outcome up to suspension, expulsion or removal from
    campus housing
    2. A disciplinary record on file for seven years after date of incident,
    reportable to prospective employers, graduate and professional schools,
    federal government, study abroad
    organizations, scholarship committees, etc.
    3. If alcohol related, the referral to BASICS is $100
    4. Parental notifications with a first time alcohol related finding

    Additional consequences include missed class time, missed work, and a
    permanent presence on social media sites.

    Students who violate the Town of Amherst By-Laws may be fined up to $300
    for each citation they receive. These violations include open containers
    of alcohol, unlawful noise, operating
    a nuisance house, and possession of a keg without a permit. Throwing
    objects is a felony offense - assault and
    battery with a dangerous weapon - that carries a punishment of
    imprisonment if an individual is convicted. When a
    Dispersal Order is read at a gathering, you must leave the premises
    immediately. Refusing to follow a Dispersal Order
    is cause for arrest.

    Multiple citations may be given to an individual at an event leading to
    potentially significant fines. Additionally, a judge may add on
    community service and court fines.
    Failure to pay citations is a criminal offense.

    To review the Student Code of Conduct and the Town of Amherst Bylaws,
    please visit the University Responsible Fan
    Behavior website:

  4. [Starting the countdown timer on Dr. Ed's stock foaming-at-the-mouth comment. Wait for it... wait for it...]

  5. Consequence No. 1 is quite funny. If they are found in violation they could be moved off campus. So in effect, what Umass is saying, is that the bad kids could be kicked out of housing but remain in school. Once relocated, their bad behavior becomes the problem of the town they find an apartment in. What a wonderful way to redirect the cost of problematic kids to the surrounding towns budgets while maintaining the cash flow of tuition and fees for Umass.

  6. After all, off campus students are ambassadors for our flagship of higher education in the state.

    Exactly what part of the 13th Amendment does this not violate?

    Slavery was outlawed more than a century ago, UMass can no more do this than the town can make Larry only write positive things about it.

    Anyone care to speculate on how long the Food Stamp or Welfare people would be able to make a similar demand on their clients?

  7. Consequence No. 1 is quite funny. If they are found in violation they could be moved off campus.

    It actually is worse -- If they are already living off-campus, then they have a year-long lease which remains in effect even if they are kicked out of school. As they have to still pay for the apartment, they might just as well live in it.

    But as they aren't going to school (or doing anything else) there is more time to PARTY, PARTY, PARTY.... Sure the credit card bills will come due eventually, but that is later....

    Do any of you honestly think they are going to go back to their hometowns and admit to their friends that they got kicked out? NO -- they are going to stay in Amherst and raise hell.

    I know quite a few kids who have done exactly this, I'm thinking in particular of one young man who (last I heard) was sharing an apartment down to Mill Valley and I'm sure that every APD officer knows *exactly* whom I am referring to as they know him personally....

  8. [Starting the countdown timer on Dr. Ed's stock foaming-at-the-mouth comment. Wait for it... wait for it...]

    Forgive me for having strong emotions about injustice. I can't quote Dante verbatim, and he also wrote it in Latin, but remember that the innermost circle of hell is reserved for those who didn't have the guts to do anything.

    I "walk the walk" on this "social justice" stuff, forgive me for having contempt for those who merely "talk the talk."

  9. Geez Ed, I was simply saying that anyone who would purposely drink more because someone tells them not to... is an A hole. Not to mention, he is doing nothing but furthering the disdain for the students in town. RM

  10. Best way I know to get a young person to do something is to tell him/her/it not to.

  11. Enku Gelaye
    Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life

    ACTING Vice Chancellor....

  12. those who didn't have the guts to do anything

    I know exactly what you mean, Ed. I really bugs when anyone spends every waking hour yelling things like, "Somebody ought to sue somebody! The
    Constitution has been violated! Call SCOTUS, call POTUS! Call FLOTUS! But somebody else should do it; I'm way too busy!"

  13. BoSox in Playoff, Enku gonna get her RIOT...

    Future job opening, as of Nov 1st...

  14. Call FLOTUS!

    Back before the sewerage treatment plants were built in the early '70s, there used to be things floating down the Connecticut River -- FLOTUS....
