Friday, September 27, 2013


 Striking union workers, Triangle Street, near the High School

So no, I don't know the particulars of the grievances the union has against Warner Brothers, Inc or Gagliarducci Construction Corp -- but I do know from first hand experience, as a proud member of the Teamsters Union thirty year ago, that strikes are kind of like nuclear weapons:  most effective when used as a threat, but destructive when actually detonated.

But strike they have done.  

Since the International Union of Operating Engineers Local Union 98 is involved with the reconstruction on Triangle Street it has now become a town concern, as that important project seems to have come to a standstill.

 North Pleasant Street, UMass

Both construction companies have a reputation for doing excellent work (one reason they won the construction bids).  But you only do good work by hiring highly skilled workers.

I hope they work it out.  Soon.


  1. Northern Const. on the UMA campus is striking, also. Looks like the have the same "write in" style posters, as well. Geez, put some effort into the marketing here, boys!

  2. I'm wondering if NoBama NoCare is part of this. There is a SEIU local somewhere else on strike over it -- and the teamsters are really REALLY not happy about being taxed for their health plans that they consider things they have "won."

    Maybe they have the strike signs preprinted and in storage -- or maybe this is part of something larger...

    And as an aside -- there is the precedent of the Boston Police strike as to strikes on public jobs...

  3. People like myself favor more a capitalist, or free market system, and I know the blogger does also, and call a HUGE stretch, but strikes and unions are part of that free market system also. People could argue till the cows come home on the cost of construction, but there's a LOT of money in it, and if I were a truck driver for one of those companies I would want a well deserved piece of that pie for myself also. Anybody who would turn that cash down, please raise their hand.

  4. Though I am not, nor have ever been a union member, it is clear to me that the history and work unions have done benefit all members of the work force both blue and white color alike.

    Strike away and make corporations realize that the masses are always watching and will fight to maintain safe working standards at an honest wage.

  5. For the other side of UnionIsGood, read:

    I'd love to see MA dump the "prevailing wage" nonsense -- there would be so much better public work done and so much cheaper.

  6. Warner Bros. has taken to the scabs! Specifically John Baronas, foreman. How do you cross a picket line and operate equipment in front of your own striking guys?? What a dirtbag! And why would the town of Amherst tolerate this?? Union busting

  7. I was in one of those pics. What a gut wrenching time. But no scabs got into our job. With great thanks to the carpenters union. I would stand with them any day
