Saturday, September 7, 2013

Frisky Friday (In a College Town)

APD makes alcohol related arrest after MV stop corner of Lincoln/Fearing last night 11:05 PM

Once again a major police presence and preemptive police footwork seemed to keep a lid on loud out of control parties last night as Amherst Police started the evening with courtesy calls ("community policing") to  some of the usual suspects on Alan Street, Phillips Street, and Nutting Avenue. 

Comfortable weather brings out the crowds, and it seems freshmen move in herds, but it also allows the APD bike patrol to operate at full efficiency.  They made a good number of "liquor law violation" arrests in and around the immediate neighboring streets to UMass starting at around 10:00 PM.

 APD bike patrol cruising down Fearing Street 11:45 PM

AFD was also kept busy with alcohol related runs.

A fight at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Fearing Street around 11:00 PM resulted in a head injury for a college aged male.   And almost two hours later AFD responded to the UMass campus for an ETOH male who had fallen and hit his head.  Liquor, naturally, was involved. 

Last weekend the boisterous activity peaked on Sunday night into early Monday morning due to the Labor Day long weekend.  Tonight's weather is going to be a tad warmer than yesterday.

Neighbors are now holding their breath.


  1. $h&^ Larry, did ya smear vasoline over your lens? Or was it an attempt at "art"?

  2. Guess I have to ask, what's more dangerous, a drunk driver who hasn't his sense to be behind the wheel or Larry who is focusing his senses on taking a picture of police on bikes while he is driving a car.

  3. LK:
    Journalist Blogger


    Neighborhood Watch?

  4. Seeker of truth, and then telling it like it is.

  5. That presumes that YOU "see" it is the way that "it" is.

    Are you this omniscient everywhere or

    Only In Amherst?

    (he asked rhetorically)

  6. Larry also has minions around Town who call him with items of interest. After all, he often gets the story first. We all know that stories are filtered through his opinions. After all, it is his blog. If you can't figure out opinion from straight fact, then maybe you need to listen to the BBC news. Oh, wait. Amherst, MA doesn't show up on there.
