Tuesday, September 3, 2013

DUI Dishonor Roll

What is 3.2 deaths per 100,000?  National average for alcohol related fatal accidents

So amazingly, with as much alcohol that flowed freely over the weekend, Amherst police only made one arrest for Driving Under the Influence.

Of course maybe they were so busy doing crowd control for the THOUSANDS of migrating students in and around UMass that they did not have the time to concentrate on those potential roadway scud missiles.

Early Sunday morning (1:18 AM) police arrested UMass student Michael J. Defazio, age 21, near the VFW on Main Street, only a stone's throw from Amherst town center (and the police station).

Hopefully they still teach "learning from your mistakes" in Sport Management.

Almost exactly 12 hours later on Twitter (tweet now deleted):


  1. I only wish that you would be as attentive to other preventable causes of death, such as medical mistakes which are far more common.

  2. Yeah, since war causes so very many preventable deaths I should take up "world peace."

  3. What is with the heavy hand towards UMass? Amherst college screw-ups are notoriously absent from this blog. I understand you can post your own agenda as you see fit, but you cannot also claim it is fair or balanced.

  4. Aren't the Amherst College dui's listed in the police log?

  5. I believe my post from earlier today shows the drunk runs AFD did from Amherst College to Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

    And I said in this post, APD only arrested one DUI this weekend and he happened to be from -- wait for it, wait for it -- UMass.

    And I frequently mention Hampshire College, unlike UMass or Amherst College, pays nothing for AFD assistance.

  6. Yeah, since war causes so very many preventable deaths I should take up "world peace."

    Larry, I have friends wearing the uniform - right now -- and quite likely getting shot at. I suspect you might as well.

    This wasn't funny.

  7. Sarcasm requires its own special font.

    (I didn't know Anons had friends.)

  8. Last night I asked loud students walking down the street to please be quiet because I was sleeping. Their reply was "leave Amherst if you want to sleep"

  9. Go get 'em Larry. Sure you post student DUI's... all the colleges from what I've seen. But I also see you post good ol' Amherst residents too when they can't behave like The Stepford Wives as this town normally expects. Guess with UMASS being the biggest population and most of UMASS students being less-than-stellar SAT scorers you'd expect more DUIs.

  10. "Last night I asked loud students walking down the street to please be quiet because I was sleeping."


  11. Last night I asked loud students walking down the street to please be quiet because I was sleeping.

    Doberman Pinschers are highly intelligent, loyal and quite lovable animals -- and even pit bulls aren't inherently dangerous -- it's all conditioned behavior.

    You can't have it both ways -- you either have an animal that loves you and will do anything to please you, or an animal that lives in terror of you -- and the same thing works with human beings.

    I view things like CBT in a slightly different context -- but the basic research is the same -- I trust folks have perhaps heard of Skinner and the Behaviorists?

    OK, exactly how would those kids be rewarded for taking the action you desire? What would they gain for pleasing you, or loose for not?

    Exactly what? Remember they fear you, not care about you -- so it's not caring about your not being able to sleep, only fearing a personal consequence -- of which there is none.

    That's why Machavelli was quite clear about how you want a populace to love you, not fear you, a point that often gets overlooked.

    This is why urban police departments adopted the PAL approach -- the Police Athletic Leagues -- you're not going to throw a beer bottle at the guy who taught you how to slide into second base. But I digress.

    What reward is there? What incentive? Machavelli understood that if your population is controlled by fear, any ability you have to exercise control is limited to your ability to exploit fear which is inherently limited.

  12. How much rationalizing about simple human decency can you do?

  13. Easy on the "UMass kids are idiots" comments Walter, after all you handle video cameras and I work with mathematics thanks to my UMass Amherst degree.

  14. "Learn from your mistakes" if you'll survive the crash.
