Saturday, September 28, 2013

Blarney Blew It

McMurphy's Uptown Tavern 1:00 PM

Even though the "Half Way To Blarney Blowout!" promotion disappeared from their Facebook page only 24 hours after it was first posted (long enough to get over 130 "people are going" responses) that did not stop college aged youth from lining up at their door starting well before noon. 

McMurphy's Facebook page September 19 (since deleted)

Before this weekend even started ETOH (alcohol OD) transports by Amherst Fire Department to Cooley Dickinson Hospital so far this month were tied with last year's September total. 

Last night into early this morning there were at least four ETOH runs.

And based on the line at McMurphy's this morning, today's gorgeous weather, and what happened last year at the Blarney Blowout, tonight could be alcoholically epic.


  1. UMass. A place where you will get into trouble if you have a loud house party with a half dozen friends -- but you can do anything you damn please if you have a few hundred friends along.

    Anyone see this potentially becoming problematic?

    I know Enku doesn't - she and her Star Chamber Nazis are far too busy harassing Christians for quoting the King James Bible!

    And folks, there are places in this country where you can quote the King James Bible and people will recognize it and then become really double-plus-not-happy hearing what happened next....

    I'm not the person I was five years ago, I won't ever be again, and I'm coming to accept that...

    And I find comfort in the visceral outrage others express in hearing only part of my story -- I'm being encouraged to go public, which may be a viable solution.

  2. Boston Globe:
    After Oakland's loss earlier today, the Sox clinched the best record in the American League and will have the home-field advantage for the postseason.

    Should be a fun fall...

    Anyone remember 2004? That was back when the majority of the UM students didn't have a visceral dislike of the police. They now do. Should be fun.

  3. In what circumstances does the APD follow ambulances to Cooley Dick?- Saw this one recent night and am curious

  4. If someone who was under arrest needed medical attention.

    For instance, Friday night around 10:38 PM AFD transported someone from APD headquarters to the hospital who was found unresponsive in his cell.

    Also not uncommon for UMPD to ride along inside an AFD ambulance when someone is being transported because they are having a psychotic reaction to drugs/alcohol.

    AFD also responded around 6:00 PM last night to two different suicide situations (one where a female had cut her wrists) so that too could bring an APD escort.

  5. 'Looks like the boys had a party ...' is not accusing anyone of anything -- except possibly being messy. The picture shows that.

    Hey, Larry, instead of the pictures, activate your phone tree and we'll all come down there and look at the mess, while standing on the public sidewalk. Or maybe we'll just drive by on the public street and look.

    Thank you for not taking a picture when I sunbathed on my front lawn. Oh, wait. I didn't do that.

  6. Hey, Larry, instead of the pictures, activate your phone tree and we'll all come down there and look at the mess, while standing on the public sidewalk

    And why wouldn't that be an "Illegal Assembly" where you would all be subject to arrest?

    After all, one of you might step out into the street and get hit by a car or something -- which is a rationale I once heard.

    Oh, and what's wrong with sunbathing on your front lawn -- assuming you're female & cute....

    Oh, wait a minute.... I understand now....

  7. MCI was once defined as "a law firm with a dish on the roof."

    I'd like to buy a going-broke bar, advertise a few things like this, make damn sure I could document that I neither served underaged nor intoxicated patrons (there are ways -- such as hiring retired cops & liquor inspectors) and then sue the **** out of all the townies who defamed my establishment.

    My money would come not from beer sales but lawsuits. The RIAA business model. Do it for a few years, then sell the bar to some disreputable person and then buy another. The ultimate PsychOp...

    Evil grin....

  8. I actually did notice someone from "UMass Legal Services" perused my LinkedIn profile yesterday.
