Thursday, September 26, 2013

Amherst Flag Raising

374 North Pleasant Street, Pike Frat

We did it


  1. Flags are such a "fallacy."

  2. Well that looks festive, maybe too festive. In fact as you can see an American flag is far more festive than their fence which looks muted against the festive nature of the American flag. How dare they fly such a festive thing is Amherst. Look for a motion from the town to restrict flag poles and flags as it simply is out-of-touch with the Amherst way-of-life. Emily would shed a tear. But I bet Francis Hopkinson would be proud to see his creation flying so festively. Sorry Betsy, myth rules but truth concurs.

  3. Amherst way of life? Its an american flag we live in america. You sir are out of touch

  4. ....wait for it.....Ah yes soon there will be a new committee formed by the venerable Select Board to "investigate" the impact of flying American Flag within the confines of Amherst. For everyone's property there will be height, size, and location requirements. Lower than the shrubs, smaller than the leaves on the shrubs, and behind the shrubs of course. There will be assessed an annual flag flying, uh fee. There will be of course an "open space replacement" fee for any volume of air that said flag occupies (kinda like that $6000 tree replacement fee yee all powerful tree warden tried to levy on some poor TAX-PAYING residents trying to improve safety and their property). Joking (well maybe) aside, this is nice to see.

    Amherst is a's citizens denounce the very thing that allows them to say "....where only the H is silent".

  5. Um, Amherst has giant American flag right on the common. Open your eyes.

  6. And I wouldn't say it was giant...

  7. And tomorrow they will take that flag down and re-raise in on 9/26/2018

  8. Gee ...Larry....a quick google search shows you have featured this FRAT house many times in your blog...all negative until has won your party house of the week a number of now these guys are your friends...????? you are as hypocritical as any human can go and call me a cowardly nit wit..
    yea everyone who reads this blog...larry has written many a negative story about this house

  9. I don't need to call you what you are. You already did it for me.

  10. The fact they are flying an American flag doesn't negate the fact that they are a**holes.

    This is Karl Rove's fraternity.

    Enough said?

  11. Have a heart. Karl Rove doesn't even have a heart. Amazing, a human lives without a heart.

  12. Taking a picture does not endorse nor defame.

  13. It is what it is.

    I just hold up a mirror.

  14. And you just happened to be driving by at that precise moment? I smell photo-op.

  15. Jut because they are obnoxious drunks doesn't mean they can't be patriotic.

  16. Anon 4:12 AM

    I don't do photo ops. I do drive by there frequently.

  17. Yes, you do do stalking.

  18. Depend on you define "stalking". A FORMER Select Board Chair had an very liberal interpretation (pun intended).

  19. Don't forget town officials. They love to see me walk into a meeting with my Mac.

  20. This is Amherst - every single day:

    What is sad, though, is that the town, the kid's parents, and the university do nothing to fix the problem. In Amherst, this behavior is considered "typical college activities".

    There is something seriously wrong with Amherst town officials and UMass officials that it has grown so bad. That this has become acceptable or normal. It's not.

  21. They just published the Top 10 Party Schools and guess what? UMass was not on the list. Quit blowing things out of proportion.

  22. very liberal interpretation

    Larry, small "l" "liberal" means civil libertarian and they could care less what you do.

    It is capitol "L" "Liberal" that you wanted to use - although I prefer "Leftist" -- and those two have "Left Us" haven't they?


    I went into the UM Dean of Student's Office the other day and it took me a while to realize what was missing - the table and the couches. They used to have a lot of literature that was good for young people to read and some actually did (and a few more when someone with a name quite simple to mine would pick up copies of stuff I knew was there and hand it to kids that needed to read it).

    The Dean of Student's Office used to be about HELPING students -- now it is only about punishing them -- and that is what leads to things like this

    The last scintilla of respect I had for Queen Enku went out the window when I walked out of that office the other day -- there is no hope for that university anymore. None.
