Sunday, August 25, 2013

When BANANAs Attack

Vince O'Connor far left, David Williams front, Kyle Wilson center

If you ever wondered why almost nothing ever gets built in the bucolic college town of Amherst, just peruse these snippets from last Wednesday's 3.5 hour Planning Board meeting.

40 year activist, or should I say "community organizer," Vince O'Connor had a good point or two concerning parking -- or lack thereof -- at the newly proposed "Olympia Place," a 75 unit dormitory style (private) student housing development springing up where a rowdy defunct frat house currently stands.

But he kind of went overboard attacking the height of the building with his medieval serfs vs the castle metaphor.

Since moving to North Amherst only a few years ago Melissa Perot has become the Joan of Arc for slaying development.  But she can get on your nerves (and I'm pretty sure it's not the accent).

North Amherst resident Melissa Perot railing against development before Town Meeting

Town Meeting approved "mixed use development" zoning in village centers last session, and the Planning Board was discussing a minor technical tweak ... but that didn't stop Ms. Perot from launching into a do over of the battle she and fellow NIMBYs lost by a more than two-thirds vote.


  1. Yes Vince sure Vince right Vince you bet Vince uh huh Vince you got it Vince definitely Vince absolutely Vince whatever you say Vince sure Vince gotcha Vince bulls eye Vince mmm hmmm Vince indeed Vince right Vince you bet Vince uh huh Vince you got it Vince definitely Vince absolutely Vince whatever you say Vince sure Vince gotcha Vince bulls eye Vince mmm hmmm Vince indeed Vince right Vince you bet Vince uh huh Vince you got it Vince definitely Vince absolutely Vince whatever you say Vince sure Vince gotcha Vince bulls eye Vince mmm hmmm Vince right Vince you bet Vince uh huh Vince you got it Vince definitely Vince absolutely Vince whatever you say Vince sure Vince gotcha Vince bulls eye Vince mmm hmmm Vince

    are you finished yet Vince???

  2. As a parent, I recognize toddler behavior when I see it.

    I want it! No. But I want it. No. Why? Because 2/3 of the Town plus more said so. But I want it!

    I just didn't expect to hear this from an adult ...

  3. How do you think it stays a bucolic college town? Tight control over zealous developers.

  4. It is terrible that citizens are participating in town government at a public meeting no less! Telling officials what they think. What has their meddling led to--one of the best towns in Massachusetts to live in. They must, must be stopped.

  5. Sarcasm requires its own special font.

    Amherst: where only the h is silent (when it comes to development).

    Amherst: where even the h is silent (when it comes to important matters).

  6. I understand the town meetings will now offer playpens with toys for all the residents. No, not the children of residents, the residents.

    What a bunch of miscreants who attend these meetings.

    Since Amherst refuses to elect a real government that makes decisions and is responsible for those decisions, it will stay in the middle ages, metaphor or not.

    That's what hardcore liberals of this age like, no one to make any real decisions nor be able to take responsibility for them.

  7. Mr. Graff's comments above are very unfortunate, and I hope that they are simply an indication that he is having a bad day.

    Richard Morse

  8. What is the problem with a new resident of Amherst giving their views? Is that a reason not to listen to them?

  9. Vince is the dirt that Bill Elsasser scrapes off the puke ridden sidwalks of this town.

  10. At least he always states his name before making his remarks.

  11. Ms. Perot is against ANY development in North Amherst. What's most appalling is she posits herself as representing all NA residents, when, in fact, she represents her own narrow views and those of a few other homeowners. At last TM, many other NA residents spoke up welcoming development but Ms Perot refuses to recognize their existence let alone the validity of their opinions since they are merely renters and not owners like herself. She should be held directly responsible for the Retreat since she and others like her blocked much needed development in much more appropriate locations. There were no legislative tricks at TM. The vote wasn't close as she says. It was decisive - 2/3's plus - against her.

  12. Whoever thinks Amherst is a bucolic little college town is nuts? Have you looked at the crime report page in the paper? Yikes! More like Holyoke or Springfield! Build more housing for the college students. The college is growing. The town should grow with it. Nothing stands still...except for Amherst Town Government.

  13. Blah, Blah, Blah! Amherst will never change it's been this way when I moved here and it will be this way when I leave. I'm really getting sick of hearing how positive change is coming, only to have yet another special interest group pop their heads out of the sand in protest. Our administrators feed right into it and very rarely say boo to try and put this town in gear to move forward.

  14. Take a drive down bucolic Olympia Drive- ANYTHING placed there would be an improvement (and it is in my "backyard")
    Please tell me that the admissions office is not still located there-
    What a miserable first impression of campus.

  15. Graff nails it againAugust 26, 2013 at 12:34 PM

    "Mr. Graff's comments above are very unfortunate, and I hope that they are simply an indication that he is having a bad day."

    What's unfortunate about them Morse?

    They're right on the money.


  16. Hey, I love what you did with your dump!August 26, 2013 at 2:15 PM

    "That's what hardcore liberals of this age like, no one to make any real decisions nor be able to take responsibility for them."

    Careful Graff, you might cross one of their "red lines".

    (Ponziville, what a fking dump)

  17. The Build Nothing movement is starting to resemble the climate-change deniers.

    In a system that creates "checks and balances" against any kind of action to address the community's (or the environment's) needs, the operational political consensus is the one on behalf of doing nothing.

    As if doing nothing had no consequences. Are we willing to bet on that in Amherst?

  18. Ever notice how often women are criticized for speaking out in this town? Especially when they speak forcefully. Don't they know their place and the proper tone?

  19. Failmenism and the Ponziville pyramidersAugust 27, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    "Ever notice how often women are criticized for speaking out in this town? Especially when they speak forcefully. Don't they know their place and the proper tone?"

    They better, granny.

  20. There's plenty of criticism to go around for anyone who speaks out....I don't think gender provides any special qualification for that.

    We don't discriminate here. Everyone gets flack.

  21. Yes~She was a bit determined~a bit overkill, but she ia an elder. How dare the gentleman speak so down to her~"That's enough." Who assigned him to disrespect this fine woman? Why was her question about why does the board invite the community to these meetings, and then disregard their concerns, considered disrespectful? Brava~what we need is more strong women to speak out against the nonsense. Brava! and less little men who hide behind a microphone, and position of misperceived authority.
