Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tennis Anyone?

 Amherst Regional Middle School tennis courts

The tennis courts adjacent to the Amherst Regional Middle School, like a lot of construction projects around town, is expected to be completed by October 1st.  The $225,000 capital improvement project was approved by Joint Capital Planning Committee and Town Meeting last spring.

DPW Chief Guilford Mooring says there's still a lot of work to be done, including "Fence post sleeves, top course of asphalt, painting, new fence and nets."

The Amherst DPW did the site work, Warner Brothers is doing the paving and Vermont Recreational Surface and Fencing handles the final detail work.


  1. "The Amherst DPW did the site work, Warner Brothers is doing the paving and Vermont Recreational Surface and Fencing handles the final detail work. "

    What, one guy, one hour of work a day? Never saw it take so long to build a court.

  2. I believe this could have been paid for with Community Preservation Act (CPAC) Funds. A novel idea. Use funds for Work NEEDING to be done rather than making projects so that money can be used.

  3. I am reminded of the track at Fort River School that was introduced awhile ago, maybe as long as 10 or 20 years. It is now overgrown and ignored, despite recent calls by adults who proclaim the dire need for kids to be less fat and to exercise. Build it, they will come, (albeit briefly) and then we will move on to the next project. From whence does stewardship come?

  4. "From whence does stewardship come?"

    From Deerfield.

    His philosophy (at $80,000 a year):

    spending = job security.
