Saturday, August 3, 2013

I Wish I May, I Wish I Might

A wish tree has sprouted in Kendrick Park, carrying upwards of 40 or so, err, requests. It was a sellout as no tags remained as of this afternoon.

Too bad, I would have added a most timely request:

I wish town officials would forget worrying about the political fringe and simply allow the 29 commemorative American flags to fly in the downtown every 9/11 to remember the innocent lives lost that awful morning.


  1. Wow. Another feminists secret wish that she wouldn't say in public but would wish for, then take him for everything he has.

  2. Nope, a Feminist views a man as a wallet and nothing else. A *real* woman, on the other hand -- well Dr. Laura put it best -- someone to squish that spider that you don't want to deal with. See

  3. are you sure a female wrote that?

    No self respecting gay male would have been that messy.

  4. The very fact that the Amherst town government considers the anti-flag faction worth listening to suggests that the Amherst town government is itself irresponsible and disconnected from reality.

  5. My wish would be for Larry to shut up about the g-d flags! All roads point to the flags being hung up every 9/11.

  6. Cracking the Ponziville codeAugust 5, 2013 at 8:13 PM

    "she would support herself."

    Keep telling yourself that.
