Wednesday, August 14, 2013

All In A Name (Or Place)

Google just announced the top 50 "digital capitals" of all 50 states, and by gosh Amherst is #1 in the state!  Well, not our Amherst ... the one in New Hampshire.

Except Google sort of confused them with us via the Emily Dickinson hometown reference.  Umm ... and you guys made fun of Apple Maps?

But you're right about one thing:  Amherst, Massachusetts, Miss Emily's hometown, is indeed a gem.

MassLive reports


  1. That's really hilarious. In their zeal to promote their interests they put her home up there. We'll have to see how many people make the trek to New Hampshire to see her home before Google sheepishly makes a correction. Well at least they got the area correct, both towns are in New England! This was apparently done by somebody in California.

  2. Not necessarily done by someone in CA. Google has large presence in NY too with thousands of employees working on Maps and in sales amongst other things. Been to the office and it's cool. As for who did this more like done by a 20 something who couldn't point to China on a map. Isn't that what Google maps is for?

    And looked at another way, while Emily might be a star in this town, many know her name outside of this bubble but know nothing about this town or care.

  3. And you all made fun of Michelle Bachman when she confused the Concords....

  4. Not a surprise if this was done by someone from California...see the Dunkin Donut Commercial where the actress says 'What's Connecticut?' Not to mention when I moved there for 3 years, multiple people had no idea where Massachusetts was. One person even said to me, 'Massachusetts, that's near Minnesota, right?'

  5. Rep. Bachman wanted to be POTUS, but didn't have her Concords straight.

    I think that's cause for ridicule.

  6. Nobody is going to make a correction, but nobody cares about Amherst, MA when not referring to any of the institutions.
