Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Weeds Grow In South Amherst

The two roundabouts at Atkins Corner are already going to seed.  Hey, what do you expect for a lousy $6 million.

The property is still in that netherworld where the contractor -- Baltazar Contractors Inc -- is finishing up a "punch list" of final details before the state Department Of Transportation accepts the work and then turns over responsibility of the turf to the town.

I'm told town officials are hoping Atkins Country Market and Hampshire College "adopt" the islands of green space.  After all, it is their front yard.


  1. Wow, amazing timing. I drove by this yesterday and thought "someone needs to trim this!" Couldn't see who was comin' round the rotary 'tall!

  2. Can't believe responsibility for maintaining the landscaping on those islands wasn't worked out before the project was even started. How stupid! Yeah, let's hope Atkins or Hampshire College takes care of it. Way to go Amherst.

  3. I guess the town missed the Gazette article on how Hampshire is letting their fields grow wild. This just matches the rest of their fields. Learn to love it.

  4. I thought these round about were fun to ride my road bike through. But after one car tried to pass me and another did not yield to me when I was in the circle!! I am going to avoid them. The build up of weeds will probably make visibility worse and the circles more dangerous.

  5. Knowing Amherstians, I'm surprised they didn't make the rotaries triangular instead of round. You know, just to be different. "Take a left at the dodecahedron."

  6. Amazing when you think about how much highway has to be cut in America each week. I know some companies have worked on grass that has limited growth but eventually weeds get in and you get a forest. Others have tried synthetic but that ends up being a disaster to. Nothing like real grass.

  7. If they don't mow it soon there will be a wreck & a lawsuit.. Someone with deep pockets ill be named. Suburban blight

  8. There was a time when the Amherst DPW would have just gone down there and mowed it. Just nonchalantly mowed it as if they were supposed to and let someone tell them not to. (With the answer including "...and I assume that *you* will be mowing it then???"

    It is, after all, something that the DPW will be responsible for *eventually* and it is a whole lot easier to mow it now than to have to take the chain saws to it later. (As an aside, are the Amherst Police responsible for policing it, or are they supposed to close their eyes as they go round the roundabouts?)

    I think this whole thing is obtuse. Just go mow it and be done with it...

  9. The most egregious one (in the lead photo) was mowed a couple of days ago.
