Monday, July 29, 2013

Amherst Being Amherst

Noon protest @ TD Bank, Amherst town center:  Pipelines, climate change, the usual


  1. Catch em while you canJuly 29, 2013 at 2:33 PM

    Retirees, dementia, doubling up on the Prozac.

    (it wont be long now)

  2. Denying well established science is a form of dementia.

  3. These people are tripping! Where do they think the oil will go if there is no pipe line? Do they think it will stay in the ground? No! It will go on a big boat to China, or on trucks and trains to refineries in the U.S. I Guess they did not here about the Canadian train wreck or the Exxon Valdez. Lets keep the oil in the U.S. and on the cheap!!

  4. Unfortunately, Anon@8:09 is factually incorrect. If the pipeline is built the oil will be sent to refineries in Louisiana and Texas and then shipped to markets overseas and it will have no effect of providing cheap gas in this country.

  5. So many uninformed and ignorant in a town of big degrees.

  6. God, you people are the most cynical group of disgruntled dinosaurs. This blog is nothing but self-interested misanthropes bashing anyone in sight. Which is the only reason I read it. Keep it up, cynics!

  7. I agree with Anon 8:35. Wonderful entertainment! Leaves me shaking my head in disbelief every day.

  8. How come no one has there "Hoodies Up"??

  9. "Unfortunately, Anon@8:09 is factually incorrect. If the pipeline is built the oil will be sent to refineries in Louisiana and Texas and then shipped to markets overseas and it will have no effect of providing cheap gas in this country."

    Yes and no. 60% of oil produced in gulf is exported. Adding new source will not change oil prices. Oil price control is far more complicated than adding more oil to a pipeline. The two main factors in oil prices are supply and demand and market sentiment. Outside of that more oil in a pipe doesn't mean cheaper prices domestically.

  10. its their right to be dopes. Dope on moonbats, dope on.

    Don't spend time with your family. Dow't mow the lawn. Don't support "local business". Hold up a sign in frontof a local branch which will accomplish???? Nothing. Dopes

  11. "Denying well established science is a form of dementia."

    For centuries it was well established that the sun and stars revolved around the earth.

    Just sayin'...
