Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Rightful Place

Amherst Town Flag at Statehouse Hall Of Flags

After three long years of design process Amherst, finally, has an official town flag in the Statehouse Hall of Flags.  Big enough so that it requires three Select Board members, the Town Manager, State Representative Ellen Story and State Senator Stan Rosenberg to hold up.  Salute!


  1. I miss the plow. What was wrong with the book and plow?

  2. Amherst could save a bundle by just adopting the old Soviet flag. They're cheap to come by nowadays, and I'm sure a majority of Amherstians still get a patriotic thrill when they see it.

  3. ^^^^ Comment of the year! ^^^^^^

  4. Wait a minute.....Did we allow Vince and His Ruling Minority to discuss their concerns about the design of this flag for several hours in front of a captive audience in Town Meeting?
