Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sore Losers

In case a Town Meeting member decides to "Move to reconsider" badly beaten Article 43, the anti-business, socialistic land grab of 154 acres of private property in northeast Amherst, the Town Clerk should hand out dunce caps at check in Monday night as only a Nitwit would admit they were "confused" by the June 3rd discussion and vote.

The article lost 99-90 by way of a "Move to Dismiss."  My six-year-old, not yet even in 1st grade, understands the meaning of the word "dismiss." 

And I find it hard to believe anyone who saw my initial five-minute presentation could somehow find it "confusing," and think I was doing so in support of such a dangerously naive warrant article. 

But I'll let you be the judge of that:


  1. The truth hurts Larry. In the end, when it's built and occupied, everyone will see that it's not animal house, nor anything but a nice part of Cushman.

  2. Walter,

    This supposed "retreat" is a long way from being built. Landmark still faces many environmental, logistical, site and permitting issues. Why do you think they keep submitting purchase and sale agreements that give them a way out? They are not stupid and know this could still fail for many reasons. And, no, it will be an animal house and not a nice part of Cushman. If you haven't already, just look at the videos on Landmark's own website or do a quick google search and you'll see the result.

  3. It's a complex issue and I'm not surprised people, basically intelligent people, misunderstood the intent of the motion. You clouded the issue up so much and did not drive the point home precisely what was being voted on (throwing in your perennial Cherry Hill diatribe) and your entire speech was not exactly artfully delivered.

    What warrants your surprise? Perhaps you are out of touch with regular people and think everyone is as fastidiously studying these issues as you seem to be. Most of these people actually have jobs, unlike your entitled rich ass.

  4. That would certainly come as a surprise to my wife.

  5. Time to scour bylaw for provision permitting recall of elected RTM members who admit to not understanding meaning of motion to dismiss (or concept of property rights).

    Will report back in due course.

    -- Peter Vickery

  6. I welcome The Retreat*. I have thoroughly looked at Landmarks site and the results in the outside seem spectacular**. They have one in Tucson, my first college. Wish they had it then. Sort of...

    Other than the houses they built are made like Sh$t to the point that you can hear people in other apartments breathing and the fact that they manage properties about as poorly as any of the worst owner/renters in Amherst, I'd say they will fit right in here. Wait till the folks who live there read the fine print and start seeing the fees that they never get anything for. Wait till they need things fixed. Wait till they see how they get charged a months rent for moving out early. Oh just wait. And now for my asterisks.

    * I welcome this development because it's classic Amherst... if there is a way to do it wrong Amherst will. Why change a "good" thing. This town is the definition of ass backwards. Cowls will make a nice sale and Amherst will have a Lego village.

    ** Here's fun. Start searching for reviews and litigation for all the other properties owned by this organization. Seems they got into the wrong business. Besides building shoddy housing, they manage things about as poorly as possible charging fees for anything and everything often going to courts to settle matters. It's a bloody disaster.

    Good luck. Can't wait to see this place ruin yet another part of Amherst. But then again, that's how the government in this town is run. Why change a good thing. :)

    Should the Cowls be allowed to sell their land? Yes indeed. And in the end the housing will be no worse than the worst to medium quality housing in this town. Will you see toilet paper in the trees? No, but of the hundred reviews of this management I read, this sums up what you'll get:

    My child is a resident at The Retreat. I would not ever recommend any parent agreeing to their child living there. It all seems great to the eye until you move in...houses are poorly built. We have had the house broken into on several occasions. But the worst part is the management. They will charge the most outrageous fees with no rhyme or reason. Ask to have items on a list for repair, takes weeks and many begging phone calls. Not sure how they continue to have a following.

  7. There was also a clear explanation from the Moderator (also on the video) of how the votes were going to go, with the Motion to Dismiss coming first requiring a majority "Yes" vote, and, if that failed, then the main article would be considered and voted on and require a two-thirds "Yes" in order to pass.

    If a TM member wants to stand up and admit to not hearing or understanding that, then perhaps a recall of that member is in order. This was not rocket science, or, in the alternative, not the required know-how to fill out the TM ballot each year.

    Who knew that we had OJ jurors in Town Meeting? (We don't.)

  8. Walter,

    Thank you for clarifying your understanding of "The Retreat." I see you do understand the nature of what's proposed. Unfortunately, a lovely neighborhood will be destroyed and the state of things in Amherst (which you decry) will turn even further for the worse. I believe this is a turning point for Amherst. Allowing this kind of development only sets the stage for more of the same. What's needed is a comprehensive solution for the whole town to the housing crisis we face, not shoddy development neighborhood by neighborhood.

  9. Oh stop with the sky is falling stuff please. Your neighborhood is not going to be destroyed. And it is a turning point in at last dealing with a problem which is not going to go away and which is currently threatening the quality of life for the entire town, not just you. Your appeals are a little late. This has been an issue for other sections of town for years.

  10. This has been an issue for other sections of town for years.

    What has been an issue for other sections of town for years? The destruction of neighborhoods? I thought it won't be an "issue"?

  11. Oh, I see now, the threatening of quality of life is what other sections of town have been dealing with for years, that now Cushman will have to endure. Got it.

  12. a few things
    if someone says they didn't understand and voted in the majority by mistake......please resign from town meeting and go back to first grade...there was not a thing confusing about it at all...and second...the motion would never garner the 2/3rds vote....

  13. No, families have been fleeing Amherst. They are down 45% since 1990. Without large scale off campus student housing thIs trend is certain to continue. UMass is increasing enrollment to increase revenue because its budget is being slashed. It's a dream to think they will provide their own housing. They are a big bully of a business. Cushman will change if the Retreat happens but it will endure as a neighborhood. It's just not immune, as it has been.

  14. hey anon 1:06 AM: ...

    A few is defined as a small number greater than one. This can include two or three or another small number

  15. "No, families have been fleeing Amherst. They are down 45% since 1990. Without large scale off campus student housing thIs trend is certain to continue."

    Don't tell that to the parent I spoke to at Fort River today. Another parent asked him if he found a place. He said no so he's moving July 1st. She said oh you found a place. He said no everything in Amherst that's available is for student housing so they are moving to another part of the state.

    Another two students gone from the system and another family forced to leave the town.

  16. Hmmm. This sure ruins it for me. I was always taught that a couple was two, a few three and some four. And several, well more than few. This damn English language and it's idiosyncrasies.

  17. a couple is two and a few is three.

    anon doesn't know how to think for himself, needs the internets.

  18. Wally said:

    Don't tell that to the parent I spoke to at Fort River today. Another parent asked him if he found a place. He said no so he's moving July 1st. She said oh you found a place. He said no everything in Amherst that's available is for student housing so they are moving to another part of the state.

    Another two students gone from the system and another family forced to leave the town.

    Well, at least we know it's not because our schools suck so bad.
